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Showing 121-131 of 131 Results


A Troubling Week in Texas

The death penalty is always inhumane, and the past few days in Texas have brought to light some of its most worrisome aspects. On Wednesday, The Texas Board of Pardons and…

November 19, 2009


Human Rights Flashpoints – September 22, 2009

HONDURAS – Surprise Return of Ousted President Sparks Protests Following the surprise return of ousted President Manuel Zelaya on Monday, thousands of protestors gathered in support outside of the Brazilian…

September 22, 2009


“I Have to Hold Back Tears” — Jimmy Carter

During the lead up to former president Jimmy Carter’s trip to Gaza, the general media sentiment regarding the trip was ominous. Questions of safety (and loyalty, due to the boycott…

June 22, 2009


Obama's Speech and the Arab Reaction

In the immediate aftermath of President Obama’s speech today in Cairo, the heavy web traffic of discussion among Arab activists was divided essentially into two camps.  One person claimed that…

June 4, 2009


What detention looks like on Twitter

One of the side effects of our new social networking technology is we are getting to see human rights violations and the workings of security agencies occur in real time…

April 9, 2009


The Crisis Continues

[caption id="attachment_1077" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="As Israelis vote, Palestinians rebuild; Tents serve as temporary shelter while humanitarian supplies filter into Gaza."][/caption] The crisis in Gaza continues as the Israeli elections wrap…

February 10, 2009


A Humanitarian Truce or Farce?

After thirteen days of shelling Gaza in attacks that have killed over 683 Palestinians, the Israeli government has agreed to a daily three hour truce to allow for humanitarian supplies…

January 8, 2009