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Showing 85-96 of 131 Results


The Roar of A Thousand Activists

By Ann Burroughs, Amnesty International USA board chair, and Steven W. Hawkins, Amnesty International USA executive director Last week, over 1,100 human rights activists gathered in Brooklyn, New York. What…

April 3, 2015


Four Questions for Prime Minister Netanyahu

[caption id="attachment_57911" align="alignleft" width="5184"] (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)[/caption] This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to give two major speeches in Washington, DC.  The first is Monday…

March 1, 2015


Annual Report: Palestinian Authority 2013

Palestinian Authority Head of Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas Head of government Salam Fayyad Arbitrary arrests and detentions by both the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and the Hamas…

May 23, 2013


To My Valentine: Death Will Not Part Us

When the uprising in Syria began and the situation deteriorated into armed conflict Ghassan’s attention turned to providing support and aid to Syrians and Palestinians displaced from the nearby areas…

February 14, 2013