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Showing 241-252 of 572 Results


Nigeria: Turning the Page or More of the Same?

by Adotei Akwei and Bridget Duru March 28, 2015 was a huge turning point for Nigeria. For the first time in the country’s history, the incumbent did not win the…

June 3, 2015


Torture Without Orders: Hidden in Plain Sight

By Gerald Gray, LCSW, Institute for Redress and Recovery Just released US Torture Papers focus on torture in interrogation, ostensibly for defense of the country. The US also tortures another…

December 23, 2014


Out of control: Torture and other ill-treatment in Mexico

Anyone arrested in Mexico is potentially at risk of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Torture and other ill-treatment are frequently used as investigative tools to…

September 26, 2014


Will the President of Myanmar Keep His Promise?

Until these laws are rewritten in a way that cannot be interpreted objectively or in accordance with the whims of the day, Myanmar will not be able to move forward.

July 29, 2014


Entombed: Isolation in the US Federal Prison System

The USA stands virtually alone in the world in incarcerating thousands of prisoners in long term or indefinite solitary confinement, defined by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other…

July 16, 2014