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Showing 289-300 of 572 Results


Annual Report: Lebanon 2013

Lebanese Republic Head of state Michel Suleiman Head of government Najib Mikati Reports of torture and other ill-treatment continued, including forced, abusive physical examinations of detainees. Discrimination against Palestinian refugees…

May 21, 2013


Annual Report: Liberia 2013

Republic of Liberia Head of state and government Ellen Johnson Sirleaf The justice system continued to be inefficient. Access to prisons was restricted and discrimination continued against women and LGBTI…

May 21, 2013


Annual Report: Libya 2013

Libya Head of state Mohammed Magarief (replaced Mustafa Abdul al-Jalil) Head of government Ali Zeidan (replaced Abdurrahim El-Keib) Armed militias continued to commit serious human rights abuses with impunity, including…

May 21, 2013


Annual Report: Malaysia 2013

Malaysia Head of state King Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah Head of government Najib Tun Razak Colonial-era laws which had allowed for arbitrary detention and restricted freedom of expression were replaced…

May 21, 2013


Annual Report: Mozambique 2013

REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE Head of state Armando Emílio Guebuza Head of government Alberto Vaquina (replaced Aires Ali) People were subject to arbitrary arrest and detention by police, and prolonged detention…

May 21, 2013


Annual Report: Gambia 2013

Republic of the Gambia Head of state and government Yahya Jammeh For the first time in nearly 30 years the death penalty was carried out, as nine death row inmates…

May 20, 2013


Annual Report: Ghana 2013

Republic of Ghana Head of state and government John Dramani Mahama Over 1,000 people were forcibly evicted from their homes in the capital, Accra. Thousands more remained at risk of…

May 20, 2013


Annual Report: Greece 2013

HELLENIC REPUBLIC Head of state Karolos Papoulias Head of government Antonis Samaras (replaced Panagiotis Pikrammenos) Allegations of human rights abuses by police, including torture and excessive use of force continued…

May 20, 2013


Annual Report: Iraq 2013

Republic of Iraq Head of state Jalal Talabani Head of government Nuri al-Maliki Thousands of people were detained; hundreds were sentenced to death or prison terms, many after unfair trials…

May 20, 2013


Annual Report: Ireland 2013

Republic of Ireland Head of state Michael D. Higgins Head of government Enda Kenny Conditions in a young offender institution were heavily criticized. Calls were renewed to regulate access to…

May 20, 2013


Annual Report: Italy 2013

Republic of Italy Head of state Giorgio Napolitano Head of government Mario Monti Roma continued to be discriminated against, ethnically segregated in camps, forcibly evicted and left homeless. The authorities…

May 20, 2013


Annual Report: Cameroon 2013

REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON Head of state Paul Biya Head of government Philémon Yang As in previous years, the authorities continued to restrict the activities of political opponents and journalists. People…

May 17, 2013