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Showing 349-360 of 572 Results


The Obama-Bush Doctrine

All leaders -- including former US President Bush and President Obama -- must be held to the same international legal standards regarding human rights.

June 5, 2012


14,600 Days in Solitary Confinement

Two black men, confined to isolation in tiny cells in Louisiana for the last 40 years. We must end the "Angola 3" nightmare.

April 16, 2012


Europeans Shame US on Secret Prisons

Last week Poland and the European Parliament took major steps toward holding officials responsible for supporting the CIA's illegal rendition to torture program.

April 3, 2012


The Angola 3

On February 19, 2016, Albert Woodfox, the last imprisoned member of the Angola 3, was released after more than four decades in solitary confinement.


Visiting Reggie Clemons on Missouri's Death Row

Whether Reggie Clemons is innocent or guilty, traveling to Missouri's death row to meet him in person sharpened my belief that the death penalty is an inherently contradictory moral proposition.

March 12, 2012