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Showing 361-372 of 572 Results


Haiti: A Safe Haven for "Baby Doc" Duvalier…Really?

Haiti has dropped the case against former leader Jean-Claude Duvalier, despite evidence of his involvement in torture, disappearances, and killings. Will "Baby Doc" really get away with murder?

February 2, 2012


The Death Penalty: What Would Dr. King Do?

“Returning violence for violence multiples violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 13, 2012


Guantanamo: Reopening Under New Management

As Guantanamo approaches its 10th anniversary, the US continues to go in the wrong direction. Most recently, signing indefinite detention into law and planning first new arrivals to Gitmo in…

January 5, 2012


No One's Above the Law

Holding politicians from powerful nations to the same standard to which they themselves hold the leaders of less powerful nations is not a “left-wing” position – it is a just…

December 13, 2011


Senate's Disastrous New Detention Bill

The new National Defense Authorization Bill (S1867) presented to the Senate by the Armed Services Committee is a disaster for civil liberties and human rights.

November 18, 2011