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Human Rights on Capitol Hill November Edition

Human Rights on Capitol Hill November Human Rights on Capitol Hill published by Amnesty International USA  November 13, 2018  In this edition of Human Rights on Capitol Hill: 1) President…

November 13, 2018

Press Release

Trump’s cruel plans to block people seeking protection must not stand

In response to President Trump’s plans to implement restrictive policies to limit the rights of migrants, refugees, and people seeking asylum from Central America, Amnesty International´s Secretary General Kumi Naidoo…

November 1, 2018
Migrants seeking for asylum in the United States await near the US-Mexico border at El Chaparral crossing in Tijuana, Mexico on May 7, 2017. (Photo by GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

President Trump must abandon plan to close southern border to Central Americans seeking asylum

In response to reports that President Trump plans to take executive action blocking refugees and people seeking asylum from Central America from entering the United States to request protection, Erika…

October 26, 2018
Migrants seeking for asylum in the United States await near the US-Mexico border at El Chaparral crossing in Tijuana, Mexico on May 7, 2017. (Photo by GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP/Getty Images)