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Showing 109-120 of 257 Results


Raif Badawi

In May 2014, Raif Badawi was sentenced to 10 years behind bars, 1,000 lashes, a 10-year travel ban, and a lifetime ban from appearing in the media. He was convicted…


Evaporating Hope for My Missing Daughter

The mother of Syrian human rights attorney and activist Razan Zaitouneh shares her reflections on the one-year anniversary of her daughter's forced disappearance.

December 9, 2014


A Time to Grieve and a Time to Dance

[caption id="attachment_53476" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Polina Andrianova and Anna Abramova of the Russian LGBTI organization “Coming Out” (« Выход ») in St Petersburg.[/caption] By Conor Fortune, News Writer at Amnesty International,…

September 19, 2014


Zone 9: The Growing Gulag in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian government's arrest of members of the Zone 9 blogging collective is outrageous. And it is just the tip of the iceberg of the crackdown on free expression.

September 8, 2014


How the Academy Blew It

The Academy chickened out and went with safe; handing the award to one of its own, lest they risk discomfort. And The Act of Killing is very discomforting.

March 4, 2014