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Press Release

Amnesty International Documents “Killing Spree” by Iran — Surge of Secret Executions for Drug Offenses – To Contain Huge Drug Problem

This year has seen a dramatic rise in the number of people – many impoverished and some juveniles – who…

December 16, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Demands Freedom for All Filmmakers in Iran, Following Release of Actress, Sentenced to be Flogged

Contact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (New York) – Amnesty International today called on Iran to free all imprisoned filmmakers, following…

October 27, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Demands Freedom for All Filmmakers in Iran, Following Release of Actress, Sentenced to be Flogged

Contact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (New York) – Amnesty International today called on Iran to free all imprisoned filmmakers, following…

October 27, 2011

Press Release

Iran Must Acknowledge Abuses Before U.N. Committee, Says Amnesty International

The Iranian authorities will make a farce of a U.N. Committee hearing into Iran's human rights record unless they acknowledge…

October 17, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Condemns Arrest of Six Individuals — Documentary Filmmakers and a Film Producer — in Iran

Amnesty International condemns the arrest of six individuals -- documentary filmmakers and a producer -- in Iran and calls for…

October 3, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Condemns Sentence Against Leading Rights Activist in Iran

The 11-year sentence handed down to leading human rights activist Narges Mohammadi is another blatant attempt by the Iranian government…

September 28, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes Release of American Hikers in Iran as “Long Overdue”

Amnesty International said today the release of two Americans held in Iran for more than two years was “long overdue”…

September 21, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Repeats Its Demand that Iran Free Two American Hikers, Amid Conflicting Messages on Their Possible Release From Prison

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that the imprisoned U.S. nationals Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal would be released…

September 14, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Demands Immediate Release of Prominent Human Rights Lawyer Arrested in Iran

Amnesty International demanded that the Iranian authorities immediately release one of Iran’s most prominent human rights lawyers, Abdolfattah Soltani.

September 12, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes Release of 70 Prisoners in Iran; Calls for Release of All Iranian Prisoners of Conscience

Amnesty International welcomes the reported release of some 70 prisoners of conscience and political prisoners, convicted of vaguely worded “security…

September 1, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Again Demands that Iran Release Americans Jailed for Two Years Case of Two American Hikers Due to be Heard Again on Sunday

Amnesty International today repeated its demand that Iran release two Americans held for the past two years apparently for political…

July 29, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Iran 2011

Head of state: Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei (Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran) Head of government: Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad…

June 21, 2011