The Latest

Press Release

Russia: Must halt prosecution of exhibition organizers

Amnesty International and ARTICLE 19 are urging the Russian authorities to drop the charges against the organizers of...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

USA: Human Rights, Health, and Religious Groups File Federal Complaint Against CIA Based on New Evidence Indicating Human Experimentation on Detainees

A broad coalition of human rights, health, and religious groups filed a formal complaint today with the US Department of...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Pakistan: Amnesty International with AAAS Use Geo-visualization Techniques for Human Rights Issues in Northwestern Pakistan

Amnesty International, in collaboration with AAAS Science and Human Rights Program, has created a new database of human...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Bahrain: Bahrain and Saudi Arabia Must Rein in Security Forces as Polic Open Fire on Protestors, Killing One and Injuring Many Others

Amnesty International called on the governments of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia today to immediately restrain their security...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Cuba: Cuban Authorities Urged To End Harrassment of Dead Activist’s Family

Cuban authorities continue to harrass the family of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, a human rights activist who died during a hunger...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

India: Maoists Armed Group Must Release Hostages

The Communist Party of India (Maoist), an armed opposition group, must immediately release a civilian and five officers of...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Ethiopian Prisoner of Conscience Birtukan Mideksa Released

Amnesty International Press Release For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 6, 2010Amnesty International Welcomes Release of Ethiopian Prisoner of Conscience Birtukan…

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Cambodia: Must redouble its efforts to prosecute Khmer Rouge-era criminals

Amnesty International is urging a special court to redouble its efforts to prosecute Khmer Rouge-era criminals, following...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Egypt: Protection of witnesses and suspension of police officers needed

Amnesty International today urged the Egyptian authorities to immediately put in place measures to protect witnesses of the...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Cuba: Cuba’s ‘ladies in white’ At Risk of Beatings and Intimidation, Says Amnesty International

Amnesty International urged Cuban President Raúl Castro to ensure the safety of a group of female relatives of prisoners of...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Roxana Saberi released from jail in Iran

US-Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi was released from jail in Iran on Monday following international and domestic protests...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Kenya: Governmnet must avoid inciting ethnic hatred or violence at national constitutional referndum

With tensions high ahead of Wednesday's national constitutional referendum, Amnesty International today called on Kenyan...

March 27, 2011