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Press Release

Policy on state obligations to respect, protect, and fulfil the human rights of sex workers (International Board)

REQUESTS the International Board to adopt a policy that seeks attainment of the highest possible protection of the human rights…

August 11, 2015

Press Release

Q&A on the Policy to Protect Human Rights of Sex Workers

Frequently Asked Questions Why does Amnesty need a policy to protect the human rights of sex workers? What is the…

August 11, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement Following Declaration of State of Emergency in St. Louis

Amnesty International USA calls on all law enforcement agencies to facilitate and not restrict the right to peaceful protest and…

August 10, 2015

Press Release

4,000 women and girls abandoned by the Irish State every year

Today in Dublin, Amnesty International activists from around the world staged a protest against Ireland’s restrictive abortion laws outside the…

August 6, 2015

Press Release

Gambia: Sharp deterioration of human rights in 21st year of President Jammeh’s rule

The human rights situation in Gambia has deteriorated sharply during President Yahya Jammeh's 21st year in power, said Amnesty International…

July 21, 2015

Press Release

Burkina Faso – Elections cannot ignore women’s crisis

Burkina Faso must urgently tackle the nationwide crisis where forced and early marriage, unwanted pregnancy and lacking sex education reduce…

July 15, 2015

Press Release

10 Christian Women in Sudan at Risk of Flogging for Indecent Dress

The authorities in Sudan must immediately release and drop charges against 10 women who were arrested in the capital, Khartoum,…

July 12, 2015

Press Release

Two-Thirds Majority in Ireland Want Abortion Decriminalized

The Irish government is under growing pressure to reform its anti-abortion law, one of the most restrictive in the world,…

July 7, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Operation Mbata ya Bakolo: mass expulsions of foreign nationals in the Republic of Congo

Police violence, persecution, arbitrary detentions and rape amid a security operation to deport tens of thousands of DR Congo nationals…

July 1, 2015

Press Release

Supreme Court Marriage Ruling a Victory for Human Rights

The Supreme Court of the United States today delivered a historic ruling affirming the right of same-sex couples across the…

June 26, 2015

Press Release

Ireland: Government must accept UN call for constitutional referendum on abortion

The Irish government must accept that the 1983 Eighth Amendment of Ireland's Constitution is causing serious human rights violations, Amnesty…

June 22, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

She is Not a Criminal: The Impact of Ireland’s Abortion Law

Pregnant women and girls risk putting their health and lives in danger if they remain in Ireland, Amnesty International said…

June 4, 2015