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The long wait for justice: Accountability in Central African Republic

Individuals suspected of committing war crimes including killing and rape during the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) are…

January 10, 2017

Press Release

Conviction of Israeli solider must pave the way for justice for unlawful killings

The conviction of an Israeli soldier who shot dead a Palestinian man involved in a knife attack in Hebron as…

January 4, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Launches Aggressive Guantánamo Closure Campaign In Obama’s Final Days

As President Obama begins the final days of his presidency, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) launched an aggressive effort urging him…

January 3, 2017

Press Release

UN resolution paves way for accountability on Syria war crimes

In response to the United Nations General Assembly resolution establishing an independent international mechanism to ensure accountability for war crimes…

December 22, 2016

Press Release

Children caught in the crossfire of the battle for Mosul suffer horrific injuries and trauma

The desperate plight of a generation of children is in the balance as the bloody battle for the city of…

December 20, 2016

Press Release

UN Security Council Aleppo resolution long overdue

The protracted politicking and negotiations have finally resulted in a Security Council resolution allowing UN monitors to be sent to…

December 19, 2016

Press Release

Saudi Arabia must immediately abandon all use of cluster munitions

Saudi Arabia should immediately abandon all use of cluster munitions, destroy its stockpile and accede to the international Convention on…

December 19, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Allow UN monitors into Aleppo as fleeing civilians face fresh shelling

As fighting resumed in the stricken Syrian city of Aleppo today, Amnesty International called for the deployment of monitors from…

December 14, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Reports of execution-style killings in Aleppo point to war crimes

Shocking reports from the UN that scores of civilians have been extrajudicially executed by advancing Syrian government forces in eastern…

December 13, 2016

Press Release

Cameroon: Excessive force that led to deaths of protesters must be urgently investigated

Authorities in Cameroon must investigate the use of excessive and unnecessary force that led to the deaths of between two…

December 9, 2016

Press Release

Homeland Security Pick Must Commit to Human Rights

Responding to reports that President-elect Donald Trump intends to nominate Gen. John Kelly to serve as Secretary of Homeland Security,…

December 7, 2016

Press Release

Obama Speech Offers Lessons for Trump

Responding to President Obama’s speech today on counterterrorism, Naureen Shah, director of Amnesty International USA’s Security with Human Rights program,…

December 6, 2016