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Press Release

Civilians tell Amnesty of Being Caught in the Crossfire in Mosul

Military operations to retake Mosul and the surrounding areas from the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS) are endangering…

October 27, 2016

Press Release

Iraq: Fears for safety of civilians during battle for Mosul

Every effort must be made to protect civilians from the onslaught of war and potential revenge attacks in Mosul, said…

October 17, 2016

Sheet of paper Report

Punished for Daesh’s crimes’: Displaced Iraqis abused by militias and government forces

Iraqis fleeing IS-held areas face torture, disappearance and death in revenge attacks Paramilitary militias and government forces in Iraq have…

October 17, 2016

Press Release

Iraq: Yezidi survivors of horrific abuse in IS captivity neglected by international community

Yezidi women and girls who have been enslaved, raped beaten and otherwise tortured by the armed group calling itself Islamic…

October 7, 2016

Press Release

Iraq: Kurdish authorities must end disgraceful detention of Yezidi woman who survived IS captivity

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) must immediately end the shocking and arbitrary detention of a Yezidi woman who has been…

September 9, 2016

Press Release

Hundreds of thousands more risk displacement sparking fresh humanitarian crisis in Iraq

Increased humanitarian assistance is urgently required to alleviate the suffering of millions of Iraqis displaced across the country and to…

August 16, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International Response to Chilcot Report on Iraq War

In response to today’s publication of the Iraq Inquiry, Sir John Chilcot’s much-awaited report on the UK’s involvement in the…

July 6, 2016

Press Release

Executions in Iraq will not deter further deadly attacks

Iraq’s execution of five prisoners is a brazen knee-jerk reaction to the abhorrent weekend Baghdad bombing and a worrying sign…

July 5, 2016

Press Release

Authorities must rein in forces amid allegations of torture and deaths in custody in Iraq

Iraqi authorities must rein in all forces participating in the recapture of Falluja said Amnesty International today, amid reports that…

June 8, 2016

Press Release

Deadly bomb attacks in Baghdad show disgraceful disregard for human life

Today’s multiple bombings in Baghdad, in which media agencies have reported the deaths of at least 63 people and injuries…

May 17, 2016

Press Release

Security challenges in Iraq do not give carte blanche to commit human rights violations

The daily security threats that plague the lives of Iraqi civilians must not open the door to more human rights…

May 5, 2016

Press Release

More than 1,000 detained in shocking conditions at counterterrorism centers in Anbar in Iraq

More than 1,000 detainees, including some as young as 15, are being held without charge in horrendous conditions at makeshift…

May 3, 2016