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Sheet of paper Report

Dangerous to Dissent: Human Rights Under Threat in Gambia

Authorities in Gambia must free dozens of political prisoners and end the brutal crackdown on the rights to freedom of…

June 1, 2016

Press Release

Brazil on fast-track course to repeat violent World Cup failures during Olympics

Brazil is on a fast-track course to repeat the deadly mistakes it has been making around policing for decades, made…

June 1, 2016

Press Release

Gambia: Crackdown and brutal repression in run up to elections

Authorities in Gambia must free dozens of political prisoners and end the brutal crackdown on the rights to freedom of…

June 1, 2016

Press Release

Hissene Habré verdict is a landmark decision bringing justice for tens of thousands of victims

Today’s judgment convicting former Chadian president Hissène Habré marks a significant moment for international justice and a huge relief for…

May 30, 2016

Press Release

Military court in Egypt sentences eight to death after disappearance and confessions under torture

An Egyptian military court has sentenced eight civilians to death and another 18 individuals to lengthy prison terms, after a…

May 30, 2016

Press Release

Argentina: Historic ruling on Operation Condor a great step forward for truth and justice

The sentencing of a former Argentinean military leader for his role in hundreds of enforced disappearances in the context of…

May 28, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

My Children Will Die This Winter: Afghanistan’s Broken Promise to the Displaced

The number of Afghans who have fled violence and remained trapped in their own country – where they live on…

May 27, 2016

Press Release

Dozens of detainees at risk of death in shipping containers in South Sudan

Dozens of detainees held in dire conditions in poorly ventilated metal shipping containers, fed only once or twice a week…

May 26, 2016

Press Release

Children among civilians killed and maimed in cluster bomb minefields in Yemen

Children and their families returning home in northern Yemen after a year of conflict are at grave risk of serious…

May 20, 2016

Press Release

Deadly bomb attacks in Baghdad show disgraceful disregard for human life

Today’s multiple bombings in Baghdad, in which media agencies have reported the deaths of at least 63 people and injuries…

May 17, 2016

Press Release

Spree of arbitrary arrests, disappearances and torture by Huthi forces to persecute opponents in Yemen

The Huthi armed group, supported by state security forces, has carried out a wave of arrests of its opponents, arbitrarily…

May 16, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Where is my father: Detention and disappearance in Huthi-controlled Yemen

The Huthi armed group, supported by state security forces, has carried out a wave of arrests of its opponents, arbitrarily…

May 16, 2016