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Press Release

Onslaught on Kurdish areas in Turkey putting hundreds of thousands of lives at risk

The Turkish government’s onslaught on Kurdish towns and neighborhoods, which includes round-the-clock curfews and cuts to services, is putting the…

January 19, 2016

Press Release

Northern Iraq: Satellite images back up evidence of deliberate mass destruction in Peshmerga-controlled Arab villages

Peshmerga forces from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Kurdish militias in northern Iraq have bulldozed, blown up and burned…

January 15, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Banished and Dispossessed: Forced Displacement and Deliberate Destruction in Northern Iraq

Peshmerga forces from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Kurdish militias in northern Iraq have bulldozed, blown up and burned…

January 15, 2016

Press Release

Ten Additional Guantánamo Detainees Transferred

After President Obama committed once again to closing Guantánamo in his State of the Union speech Tuesday night, the Department…

January 14, 2016

Press Release

Ethiopia: Civil society groups urge the international community to address killing of Oromo protesters

Amnesty International, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, and the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (DefendDefenders)…

January 14, 2016

Press Release

Evidence of torture and deaths in custody in Tunisia suggest human rights gains of the uprising are sliding into reverse gear

New evidence of deaths in custody and torture collected by Amnesty International suggests that brutal repression is on the rise…

January 13, 2016

Press Release

President Obama’s Last Chance to Close Guantánamo

Today, the Guantánamo Bay detention site entered its 15th year in operation with 104 prisoners remaining behind its walls. In…

January 8, 2016

Press Release

First of 17 Detainees Transferred from Guantánamo

Last month, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved the transfer of 17 detainees from the Guantánamo detention site. Today,…

January 6, 2016

Press Release

Thailand: Torture claims in Koh Tao murder case must be investigated

Authorities in Thailand must ensure an independent, transparent and thorough examination of allegations of torture by police made by two…

December 24, 2015

Press Release

Central African Republic: Progress on Special Criminal Court

The Central African Republic transitional government, the United Nations, and donors should intensify their efforts to establish a Special Criminal…

December 23, 2015

Press Release

Mexico must not squander chance to eradicate epidemic levels of torture and disappearances

Two new bills addressing the epidemic levels of torture and disappearances in Mexico offer a ray of hope for victims…

December 11, 2015

Press Release

AIUSA Statement on Islamophobia and the Senate Torture Report

“We learned one year ago today that U.S. personnel tortured detainees as part of the CIA’s secret detention program. The…

December 9, 2015