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Press Release

Trump and Erdogan meeting no time for self-congratulation

"While these two leaders sit and congratulate each other in the White House, thousands of people around the world are…

May 16, 2017

Press Release

Ninth Circuit Hears Arguments Regarding Muslim and Refugee Ban

“This ban is nothing more than an effort to write anti-Muslim bigotry into law,” said Margaret Huang, executive director of…

May 15, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International Mobilizes Members for National Week of Resistance Against Muslim Ban

This week Amnesty International is mobilizing its 1.2 million members and supporters in the U.S. to join with the American…

May 8, 2017

Press Release

Secretary Kelly’s Cruel Remarks Attack the Rights of Asylum-Seekers

Secretary Kelly has commented on the deportation of a young mother and child who sought asylum from horrific violence and…

May 4, 2017

Press Release

Young Mother and Child to be Imminently Deported Without a Full Asylum Hearing

According to Senator Bob Casey, a young mother and child who sought asylum from horrific violence and human rights abuses…

May 3, 2017

Press Release

Trump Administration Literally Trying to Erase Human Rights

Just days after marking Trump’s first 100 days in office by detailing 100 ways his administration has threatened human rights,…

May 3, 2017

Press Release

World Press Freedom Day: From Chilling Arrests in the U.S. to Prisons in Turkey, Freedom of the Press Must be Protected

While the White House considers reviewing libel laws and reporters face arrest both in the United States and around the…

May 2, 2017

Press Release

Alton Sterling Case Highlights Need for Criminal Justice Reform

Following reports that the DOJ will file no charges against Baton Rouge police officers in the death of Alton Sterling,…

May 2, 2017

Press Release

Arkansas Executes Kenneth Williams, Fourth and Final Execution Over the Past 10 Days

The state of Arkansas executed Kenneth Williams tonight, ending a spate of eight scheduled executions that were set to take…

April 28, 2017

Press Release

Government Must Be Transparent in Assessing the Impact of the Dakota Access Pipeline

Responding to reports that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will not release a report on the environmental effects of…

April 27, 2017

Press Release

100 Ways Trump Has Threatened Human Rights in First 100 Days

As the first 100 days of President Donald Trump’s administration come to a close, Amnesty International has compiled a list…

April 24, 2017

Press Release

Arkansas Scheduled Double Execution is Heinous and Shameful

Arkansas executed Jack Jones today, the second of four prisoners scheduled to be executed before the state’s supply of lethal…

April 24, 2017