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Press Release

Kenya: University attack highlights security failures

The horrific attack on a Kenyan university college by masked gunmen highlights the urgent need for the protection of students,…

April 2, 2015

Press Release

Malaysia: Human Rights “Black Hole” Expanding

The escalating “sedition” clampdown on the political opposition and activists in Malaysia points to an expanding human rights black hole.

March 31, 2015

Press Release

Spain: Two-pronged assault targets rights and freedoms of Spanish citizens, migrants and refugees

Draconian reforms to two pieces of Spanish legislation are an assault on the rights of its citizens as well as…

March 26, 2015

Press Release

Malaysia: Scores of arrests point to escalating crackdown

The arrests of scores of protesters as well as two human rights lawyers in separate incidents yesterday and today in…

March 26, 2015

Press Release

Venezuela: Lack of justice for protest abuses gives green light to more violence

In a new report, Amnesty International warns of serious consequences for Venezuela’s failure to effectively investigate and bring to justice…

March 24, 2015

Press Release

Human Rights and Free Press Groups Call for Charges Against Angolan Journalist to Be Dropped

Over 35 human rights and free press groups from across the globe, including Amnesty International USA, have written an open…

March 23, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Calls on Department of Justice to Investigate Allegations of Chicago Police Abuse

Amnesty International USA called on the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of beatings and disappearances of detainees at a…

March 18, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Violations of the Rights to Freedom of Expression, Assembly and Association in Crimea

The de facto authorities in Crimea have failed to investigate a series of abductions and torture of their critics, and…

March 18, 2015

Press Release

Chicago: Finance Committee Announces A Hearing on the Burge Torture Reparations Ordinance

The finance committee of the Chicago City Council announced that it will hold a hearing on the Burge Torture Reparations…

March 16, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Changing Laws, Changing Minds: Challenging Homophobic and Transphobic Hate Crimes in Bulgaria

Briefing Examines Homophobic and Transphobic Hate Crimes in Bulgaria; Says Words Must Translate to Action

March 13, 2015

Press Release

Proposed Laws Reduce Iranian Women to ‘Baby Making Machines’ in Misguided Attempts to Boost Population

Women in Iran could face significant restrictions on their use of contraceptives and be further excluded from the labour market…

March 11, 2015

Press Release

Police Shootings Underscore Need for Reform of Standards for Use of Lethal Force by Police

In the wake of lethal shootings of unarmed men of color by police this week in Madison, Wisconsin and suburban…

March 11, 2015