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Sheet of paper Report

Libya: Rule of the Gun — Abductions, Torture and Other Militia Abuses in Western Libya

Lawless militias and armed groups on all sides of the conflict in western Libya are carrying out rampant human rights…

October 28, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Releases New Ferguson Report Documenting Human Rights Abuses

Following the initial protests in Ferguson, Missouri sparked by the shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, Amnesty International USA…

October 23, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

On the Streets of America: Human Rights Abuses in Ferguson

Michael Brown, an 18-year-old unarmed African American man, was fatally shot by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri on…

October 23, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

Amnesty International Submission for the UN Universal Periodic Review

During the USA’s first Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2010, 228 recommendations were made to it by other states. The…

October 20, 2014

Accused and charged with having an abortion after a miscarriage at 18 years old.

Sheet of paper Report

On The Brink Of Death: Violence Against Women And The Abortion Ban In El Salvador

Every year, thousands of women and girls are denied their rights and choices by El Salvador’s total ban on abortion…

October 17, 2014

Press Release

Hong Kong: Women and girls attacked as police fail to protect peaceful protesters

Hong Kong’s police failed in their duty to protect hundreds of peaceful pro-democracy protesters from attacks by counter demonstrators on…

October 3, 2014

Press Release

Burge is Being Released From Prison While Those he Tortured Continue to Suffer

When Will Chicago’s City Council Pass the Ordinance Providing Reparations for the Burge Torture Survivors? On Oct. 2nd convicted, former…

October 2, 2014

Press Release

Bahrain must release activist Nabeel Rajab, detained for ‘insulting’ tweets

The Bahraini authorities must immediately release a prominent human rights activist who has been detained for posting tweets deemed insulting…

October 2, 2014

Press Release

China: Release supporters of Hong Kong protests

The Chinese authorities must immediately and unconditionally release all those detained for peacefully showing support for pro-democracy protests in Hong…

October 1, 2014

Press Release

Iran must halt imminent execution of 26-year-old woman

Iranian authorities have today confirmed that a woman convicted of killing a man whom she said tried to sexually abuse…

September 29, 2014

Press Release

Chinese Dissident Ai Weiwei Opens Exhibit Featuring Amnesty International Research at Alcatraz

The latest installation from Chinese artist and human rights activist Ai Weiwei, featuring research from Amnesty International, will open to…

September 26, 2014

Press Release

Protection of Syrian Civilians Must be World’s Priority, Humanitarian and Human Rights Groups Demand

Any further intervention in the Middle East must include plans to address the suffering of Syrian civilians, a global coalition…

September 23, 2014