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Press Release

Amnesty Marks One Year Since President Obama’s National Security Speech

Marking one year since President Obama's national security speech on May 23, 2013, Steven W. Hawkins, executive director of Amnesty…

May 21, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Responds to Imminent Missouri Execution

Ahead of the scheduled execution of Missouri death row inmate Russell Bucklew, Amnesty International USA Executive Director Steven W. Hawkins…

May 20, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty: More Transparency on Drone Strikes is Good, But It is Not the End Goal

In response to reports that the Obama administration may disclose more information about the legal rationale for killing U.S. citizens…

May 20, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty USA Executive Director Welcomes Appeals Court Decision to Halt Missouri Execution

In response to the federal appeals court decision to stay the execution of Missouri death row inmate Russell Bucklew, Steven…

May 20, 2014

Press Release

Dow Blocks Amnesty International Calls To Face Up to the Toxic Legacy of Bhopal

As we near the 30th anniversary of the devastating gas leak from the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, The Dow…

May 14, 2014

Press Release

Dow Shields Shareholders From Toxic Truth in Bhopal

The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) is blinding investors to the toxic legacy of Bhopal, Amnesty International said ahead of the…

May 14, 2014

Press Release

Uganda: Anti-Homosexuality Act’s Heavy Toll – Discriminatory Law Prompts Arrests, Attacks, Evictions, Flight

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in Uganda have reported a surge in human rights violations since the…

May 14, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Launches Worldwide Campaign to Expose Global Crisis on Torture

Amnesty International today launched a new campaign against torture and other ill-treatment, from Chicago to Guantanamo to Nigeria and around…

May 12, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes the Introduction of “The Solitary Confinement Study and Reform Act of 2014”

Jasmine Heiss, Senior Campaigner at Amnesty International USA, made the following comments today in response to the introduction in the…

May 8, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Chicago and Illinois: Gun Violence

Violence affects everyone in Chicago, but it is particularly devastating for the city's youth. Human rights must be a part…

April 26, 2014

Press Release

President Obama Must Address Malaysia’s Human Rights Record

On the eve of President Obama's visit to Malaysia, Amnesty International USA urges him to publicly address the deteriorating human…

April 25, 2014

Press Release

Viet Nam: Prisoners of Conscience Released But Dozens Remain Jailed

The early release in Viet Nam of several prisoners of conscience is welcome, but serves to highlight the situation of…

April 14, 2014