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Press Release

Five Beheaded and ‘Crucified’ Amid ‘Disturbing’ Rise in Executions in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia must halt a "disturbing" rise in death penalty usage that has resulted in at least 47 state killings…

May 21, 2013

Press Release

Human Rights Groups Organize Vigil at White House to Mark 100th Day of Hunger Strike at Guantanamo

On the 100th day of the hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, and amid growing pressure on the Obama Administration to…

May 20, 2013

Press Release

“Shocking Levels” of Sexual Abuse in Prisons Cannot Continue

Response to the release of the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics annual report, Sexual Victimizations in Prisons and Jails Reported…

May 16, 2013

Press Release

Map of Secret Prison Network in Eritrea Pinpoints “Infrastructure of Repression”

Twenty years after gaining independence, Eritrea’s prisons are filled with thousands of political prisoners who are locked up in atrocious…

May 8, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Indefinite detention at Guantánamo continues – 100 detainees on hunger strike

What will it take to get the US government - across its three branches - to act with a real…

May 6, 2013

Press Release

Saudi Arabia Threatens New NGO in an Attempt to Intimidate and Repress Human Rights Activism

Saudi Arabian authorities have interrogated and intimidated four founding members of an emerging human rights group, said Amnesty International, which…

May 1, 2013

Press Release

Syria is Deadly for Journalists, Says New Amnesty Report on World Press Freedom Day

Scores of journalists reporting on human rights abuses in Syria have been deliberately detained, disappeared, tortured and killed over the…

May 1, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes President’s Remarks on Guantanamo, Calls for Action

President Obama is right to recommit to closing Guantanamo. But it's time to do more than talk.

April 30, 2013

Press Release

Forced Evictions in Haiti Worsen Dire Situation for Families Left Homeless by 2010 Earthquake, Says New Report

Forced evictions from displacement camps are worsening the already desperate situation for Haitians more than three years after the devastating…

April 22, 2013

Press Release

Supreme Court Ruling Undermines Decades of Progress Toward Justice in U.S. Courts for Survivors of Human Rights Abuses Abroad

The Supreme Court today dismissed the closely-watched case of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. in a severe blow for…

April 17, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Ukraine: Don’t stop halfway. Government must use new Criminal Procedure Code to end torture.

The Ukrainian authorities must seize the current political opportunity to stop the high level of torture and other ill treatment…

April 15, 2013

Press Release

Unfolding Humanitarian Catastrophe in Southern Kordofan Likely to Get Worse, New Report Warns

Amnesty International warned today in a new report that civilians in Southern Kordofan face an unfolding catastrophe caused by indiscriminate…

April 15, 2013