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Press Release

Chicago City Council Passes Landmark Police Torture Reparations Ordinance

Today, the Chicago City Council passed landmark legislation providing reparations for torture committed by former Chicago Police commander Jon Burge…

May 6, 2015

Press Release

Baltimore: Human Rights Observers Must Be Allowed to Observe Past Curfew

Amnesty International USA is disappointed to learn that the City of Baltimore has revoked permission for our observers to continue…

May 2, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Sends Human Rights Observers to Baltimore

Amnesty International USA is sending a human rights observer delegation to Baltimore today to observe police and protester activity in…

April 29, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA: Baltimore Police Must Exercise Restraint During Protests

Following protests over the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray in police custody, Amnesty International USA Executive Director Steven W.…

April 27, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International: Redress Should be Available for All Civilians Killed in U.S. Drone Strikes

In response to President Obama’s public acknowledgment of the killing of one American and one Italian hostage in a CIA…

April 23, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

USA: Crimes and Impunity

More than four months after publication of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s summary report on the secret detention program…

April 21, 2015

Press Release

U.S. Inaction Following CIA Torture Report is De Facto Amnesty for Perpetrators

Amnesty International released a report today criticizing the Obama administration’s silence in the wake of the Senate torture report, calling…

April 20, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Crimes and Impunity

Amnesty International released a report today criticizing the Obama administration’s silence in the wake of the Senate torture report, calling…

April 17, 2015

Press Release

UK Doctor to White House: Release Our Last Detainee

London Marathon runner Dr David Nicholl is in Washington to demand President Obama delivers on his promise to close Guantánamo…

April 17, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Calls for Approval of Civilian Board to Oversee St. Louis Police

Amnesty International USA calls for the St. Louis Board of Aldermen to establish a Civilian Oversight Board that would evaluate…

April 17, 2015

Press Release

Missouri Executes Andre Cole

The state of Missouri executed Andre Cole tonight at 10:24 p.m. CT. The execution took place despite multiple factors raising…

April 15, 2015

Press Release

Mayor Emanuel Announces Support for Reparations for Survivors of Chicago Police Torture

After months of work by survivors and stakeholders, including Chicago Torture Justice Memorials (CTJM), Amnesty International USA, Project NIA and…

April 14, 2015