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Press Release

Zimbabwe Police Must Release Illegally Detained Human Rights Defenders

Three senior staff members of a registered medical clinic that provides medical services to victims of torture were arbitrarily arrested…

November 8, 2012

Press Release

Suzanne Nossel, Amnesty International USA Executive Director Calls on Newly Re-Elected President Obama to ‘Recapture the Human Rights High Ground He Staked Four Years Ago’

“President Obama has been given a second chance to keep his promises on human rights. Don’t blow it.”

November 7, 2012

Press Release

Resounding Vote In Favor of Historic Global Arms Trade Treaty Is a Potential Victory for Human Rights Worldwide

157 governments at the U.N. General Assembly’s First Committee on Disarmament in New York voted on Wednesday in favor of…

November 7, 2012

Press Release

Brazilian Authorities Must Respect Human Rights While Taking Control of Maré Area

Tens of thousands of residents of one of Rio de Janeiro’s biggest favelas are being targeted by Amnesty International and…

November 5, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls for Independent Probe of Security Force Killings of Men and Boys in Northern Nigeria, One Day After Condemning Abuses in New Report on Security Forces

Security forces shot dozens of men and boys from Maiduguri in northern Nigeria, a day after Amnesty International issued a…

November 2, 2012

Press Release

“Shocking” Video Shows Armed Group Carrying Out Summary Killings of Men in Syria’s Idlib Province, Says Amnesty International

New video evidence emerged on Thursday that appears to show an armed group in Syria’s Idlib province carrying out a…

November 1, 2012

Press Release

El Salvadorian President Must Recognize State Role in Massacre

More than 200 men, women and children were killed by an elite army unit at the El Calabozo massacre in…

November 1, 2012

Press Release

250th Execution to Occur Tonight in Texas

When Governor Perry took office, he suggested that Texas justice 'can be better,' but 250 state killings later – including…

October 31, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Executive Director Calls on Supreme Court to Allow Challenge to the U.S. Government’s Warrantless Surveillance Program

Amnesty International USA released the following statement regarding the October 29 Supreme Court hearing on the challenge to the FISA…

October 29, 2012

Press Release

Violence Surges in Rakhine State

In June 2012, a state of emergency was declared in Rakhine after 90 people were killed. But if reports are…

October 26, 2012

Press Release

Following Suicide Bombing, AI Calls for All Armed Groups to Stop Harming Civilians

The bomb exploded as people were leaving Eid prayers in Eid Gah mosque in Maymana, capital of Faryab province.

October 26, 2012

Press Release

Police Violence Must End in Papua

A pro-independence protest in Papua has been met with a violent response by the Indonesian security forces.

October 25, 2012