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Press Release

Herman Wallace to Governor Jindal: “Free All the Angola 3”

Herman Wallace gave the following statement to Amnesty International on Saturday, August 24th, 2013.

August 27, 2013

Press Release

Mixed Signals from International Community Enable Horrific Events in Syria

Frank Jannuzi, Amnesty International USA deputy executive director, issued the following statement in response to statements by U.S. Secretary of…

August 26, 2013

Press Release

Egyptian Security Forces Must Show Restraint After Reckless Policing of Violent Protest

The killing of at least 1,089 people over the past week underscores the urgent need for Egypt's security forces to…

August 23, 2013

Press Release

U.S. Must Commute Bradley Manning Sentence and Investigate the Abuses He Exposed

President Obama should commute U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning’s sentence to time already served to allow his immediate release.

August 20, 2013

Press Release

Continued Bloodshed Underscore Urgent Need to Halt Arms to Egypt

All governments must suspend the transfer of weapons of the type used by Egypt’s security forces in violent dispersals and…

August 20, 2013

Press Release

Egyptian Government Must Protect Christians from Sectarian Violence

There has been an unprecedented rise in sectarian violence across Egypt targeting Coptic Christians and the Egyptian authorities must take…

August 19, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Egypt: ‘People were dying all around me’; Testimonies from Cairo Violence on 14 August 2013

At about 6.00am on 14 August 2013 the security forces carried-out operations to clear two pro-Morsi sit-ins in Greater Cairo,…

August 16, 2013

Press Release

Egyptian Security Forces Must Avoid Further Bloodshed

Promises by the authorities to use lethal methods only as a last resort to disperse protesters appear to have been…

August 14, 2013

Press Release

Second Annual Pussy Riot Solidarity Concert to be Held Front of the Russian Embassy

Amnesty International members, activists and music lovers will show their support for Pussy Riot at the second annual punk concert…

August 13, 2013

Press Release

Second Annual Pussy Riot Solidarity Concert in Front of the Russian Embassy

Amnesty International members, activists, rock fans and artists will show their support for Pussy Riot and Human Rights in Russia…

August 8, 2013

Press Release

Satellite Images of Aleppo, Now Half-Emptied, Show Devastation

The most recent evidence of how the protracted conflict in Syria is fueling human rights violations and a spiraling displacement…

August 7, 2013

Press Release

Judge Issues Findings in Reggie Clemons Case

Judge Michael Manners, the Special Master finds that prosecutors suppressed evidence and writes that he believes the statement Reggie Clemons…

August 6, 2013