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Press Release

Amnesty International Sends Human Rights Delegation to Ferguson, Missouri

Today, Amnesty International USA announced that it has sent human rights delegation to Ferguson, MO to observe police and protester…

August 14, 2014

Press Release

Stop U.S. Shipment of Fuel to Israel’s Armed Forces as Evidence of Gaza War Crimes Mount

Amnesty International is appealing to the U.S. government to immediately halt the transfer of a U.S. fuel shipment currently on…

August 4, 2014

Press Release

Landmark Rulings Expose Poland’s Role in CIA Secret Detention and Torture

Poland is the first European Union member state to be found complicit in the USA's rendition, secret detention and torture…

July 28, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty USA Calls On President Obama and Central American Leaders to Protect Human Rights of Migrant Children

President Obama met with the presidents of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador today to discuss the ongoing crisis at the…

July 25, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty USA Head Appalled by Controversial Arizona Execution

In the aftermath of the drawn-out Arizona execution last night of Joseph R. Wood III, in which he was reported…

July 24, 2014

Press Release

Detroit: Access To Essential Water Is A Human Right

Amnesty International is urging Detroit authorities to listen to all solutions being proposed by impacted communities and their advocates in…

July 18, 2014

Press Release

USA: Notorious Super-Max Prison is Holding Prisoners in Extreme and Prolonged Solitary Confinement in Breach of International Law

The US government’s callous and dehumanizing practice of holding prisoners in prolonged solitary confinement in the country’s only federal super-maximum…

July 17, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Entombed: Isolation in the US Federal Prison System

The USA stands virtually alone in the world in incarcerating thousands of prisoners in long term or indefinite solitary confinement,…

July 16, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty USA Lauds Judge’s Ruling on California Death Penalty

A federal judge, U.S. District Court Judge Cormac J. Carney, today struck down California's death penalty law, saying the practice…

July 16, 2014

Press Release

Surveillance of American Muslims Underscores Lack of Safeguards

Revelations today in The Intercept about the apparently arbitrary surveillance of several prominent American Muslims underscore the lack of safeguards…

July 9, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty USA Urges Secretary Kerry Not to Compromise Human Rights During U.S. – China Security & Economic Dialogue

Human Rights should be treated as an essential part of the dialogue, like economic and security issues, and should not…

July 8, 2014

Press Release

Estados Unidos y Otros Gobiernos de la Región Fracasan en la Protección de Menores Migrantes No Acompañados

El número de niños y niñas migrantes no acompañados que cruzan la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México se ha…

July 7, 2014