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Press Release

Israel Must Promptly Release Palestinians Held Under Laws That Deprive Right to Fair Trials

In a new report released today, Amnesty International outlines torture, inadequate medical care and other ill-treatment in Israel's prisons.

June 6, 2012

Press Release

Immediate Action Needed in Escalating Sudanese Refugee Crisis

In a new report, Amnesty International implores the U.N. Security Council to take immediate action to halt the Sudanese military's…

June 6, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

Amnesty Responds to UN Report on Promoting Human Rights While Countering Terrorism

Amnesty International welcomes the decision by Ben Emmerson, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights…

June 4, 2012

Press Release

Taylor Sentencing Only a Step Toward Justice; More People Should be Prosecuted and Reparations Paid to Victims

As Charles Taylor is sentenced to 50 years, a climate of impunity hangs over Liberia, while victims of heinous crimes…

May 30, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

European Court of Human Rights Hears Key Case Concerning European Complicity in the US-led Secret Detentions and Renditions Program

This public statement was released to coincide with the hearing at the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human…

May 21, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Says Mali Experiencing Worst Human Rights Crisis in Half Century

Amnesty International said today that Mali is in a human rights crisis not seen in 50 years.

May 16, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

USA: Wrong court, wrong place, wrong punishment: Five alleged ‘9/11 conspirators’ to be arraigned for capital trial by military commission at Guantánamo

On 5 May 2012, at the US naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, a US Army Colonel, in his role…

May 3, 2012

Press Release

Bahrain: Reforms risk appearing hollow as violations continue

The Bahraini government's response to the findings of an international commission of inquiry has proved inadequate as human rights violations…

April 17, 2012


Sheet of paper Report

‘I wanted to die’: Syria’s torture survivors speak out

A grim catalogue of torture has emerged from former detainees describing their treatment in Syria’s detention centres since the predominantly…

March 14, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Documents Torture Inside Syria on a Scale Not Seen for Decades

Survivors and Eyewitnesses Who Escaped to Jordan Describe Consistent Pattern of Torture During Arrest and Detention, Including Severe Beatings and…

March 14, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International, Responding to Attorney General’s Comments, Says U.S. Drone Campaign Runs Risk of “Vigilante Justice”

Tom Parker, Amnesty International USA policy director for terrorism, counterterrorism and human rights, issued the following comments today in response…

March 6, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International cancels Bahrain visit

Amnesty International statement on the cancellation of its visit to Bahrain.

March 2, 2012