4 Ways to Join Global Activists in Shaming Shell

shell own up pay up clean up niger delta
Make this image your profile pic!

Shell has reaped billions from its oil extractions in the Niger Delta.  Meanwhile, multiple oil spills there have scarred local communities.

It’s so bad that the fish local people catch and the water they drink are foully contaminated by oil pollution – destroying lives and livelihoods.

Despite this devastation, Shell has yet to take full responsibly of its spills and fully compensate victims.  When Shell holds its Annual General Meeting (AGM) this May, Amnesty activists will have delivered thousands of petitions in an unsparing public message to CEO Peter Voser and Shell shareholders.

In preparation for this delivery, we’re launching a week of action around Earth Day to remind Shell of their responsibility to own up, pay up and clean up the Niger Delta.  Help us publicly Shame shell into cleaning up their mess:


Here’s what you can do online during the week of action, April 21-29:

1. Sign the Petition! Add your name to our global petition to Shell CEO Peter Voser.

2. Take it to Facebook. Post a message on Shell’s Facebook page that says:

Stop profiting from human rights abuse. Own up and pay up for the devastation in Niger Delta! http://amnestyusa.org/shell

3. Spread the word. Make this image your profile picture on your social profiles and share our campaign images and petition widely.

4. Target @Shell on Twitter.  Retweet the tweet below or send your own using #cleanup and #NigerDelta throughout the week.

Communities in the Niger Delta continue to fight back and stand up for their rights – we need to stand with them!  Check back on this blog for updates or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest.