Want a One-Way Ticket to Guantanamo?

You may have already heard the bad news. The White House has had a change of heart and President Obama will likely not be vetoing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), an appalling bill that would allow for indefinite detention and would keep Guantanamo open indefinitely. In short: The NDAA is a disaster for human rights.

It’s not too late to take action against the NDAA and give President Obama a piece of your mind. And you can also sign up to participate in our January 11th Day of Action Against Guantanamo in Washington, DC.

If you’ve had enough of the bad news, we’ve got a dose of comedy for you. Check out Amnesty’s new short video “Happy World Travel” for a look at what happens when Rob (Dileep Rao of Avatar and Inception) heads to a travel agency looking for a relaxing vacation. Will he be eligible for the “Not-so Geneva Package”?

While there’s nothing funny about torture, Islamophobia, and human rights violations in the name of the “war on terror,” humor can be a pretty powerful tool for educating the public about human rights issues.