You Saved My Life. Now Let's Help Others

October 21, 2015


By Moses Akatugba

My name is Moses Akatugba. For 10 years I was on death row in Nigeria. I was arrested, tortured and imprisoned when I was just 16 years old. I was sentenced to death.

Police officers beat me with machetes and batons. The pain I went through was unimaginable.

This May, my execution was halted and I walked free. Your Write for Rights letters saved my life. Thank you.

Please, help others who are being subjected to human rights abuses, as I was. Sign up for the 2015 Write for Rights campaign.

I am proof your Write for Rights letters work.

Without the thousands of letters sent in support of my case, I might never have been granted my freedom. Three other people were pardoned with me.

Amnesty International activists like you are my heroes. You’ve inspired me to become a human rights activist – to fight for others.

Will you join me? Will you fight to free the unjustly imprisoned as a participant in this year’s Write for Rights?

People’s lives are at stake, and you can help with your activism during Write for Rights.

  • Demand freedom for a journalist jailed for criticizing his government. Secure justice for a woman imprisoned for having a still birth.
  • Defend the rights of youth activists held in secret police detention for promoting democracy.

This is the biggest human rights letter-writing event in the world, held every December to help a small set of cases like mine. Together, we have power to conquer injustice.

I will do my part to help people facing human rights abuses. Will you do your part?

Join Write for Rights.

What you do is nothing short of a miracle. Please keep up this lifesaving work.