• Urgent Action

Urgent Action: Palestinians at Risk of Losing Residency Status (Israel/OPT: UA 79.18)

April 26, 2018

Four members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), Muhammad Abu Teir, Ahmad Attoun, Muhammad Totah and Khaled Abu Arafeh, are at risk of losing their permanent residency status in Jerusalem after the Israeli Knesset issued a law that allows the Israeli Minister of Interior to revoke residency status for “breach of loyalty”.

Four members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), Muhammad Abu Teir, Ahmad Attoun, Muhammad Totah and Khaled Abu Arafeh, are at risk of losing their permanent residency status in Jerusalem after the Israeli Knesset issued a law that allows the Israeli Minister of Interior to revoke residency status for “breach of loyalty”. 1) TAKE ACTION Write a letter, send an email, call, fax or tweet:
  • Urging the Israeli authorities not to revoke the permanent residency status of Palestinian Jerusalemites, including the four Palestinian Legislative Council members.
  • Reminding them that the deportations or forcible transfer of Palestinians in East Jerusalem are prohibited by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Contact these two officials by 17 May, 2018:

Minister of Interior Aryeh Deri 2 Kaplan Street, PO Box 6158 Kiryat Ben-Gurion Jerusalem, 91061, Israel Fax: +972 2 670 1628 Email: [email protected] Salutation: Dear Minister

Ambassador Ron Dermer, Embassy of Israel 3514 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008 T: 202.364.5500 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ambdermer Twitter: @AmbDermer Salutation: Dear Ambassador

2) LET US KNOW YOU TOOK ACTION Click here to let us know if you took action on this case! This is Urgent Action 79.18 Here’s why it is so important to report your actions: we record the actions taken on each case—letters, emails, calls and tweets—and use that information in our advocacy. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES