
Changing lives and policies

We free people from prison who are being held unjustly because of who they are or what they believe. We change laws to protect millions of people’s human rights. We transform societies to be more fair, free, and just.

Here are our victories

Featured Victory

Marilin* (31) and Yunior* (11), have been released! Before the family’s release this week, Marilin faced an anniversary no parent would want: one year of lockup with her child simply for seeking safety here in the United States.

Marilin and Yunior were featured in our family detention campaign surge – several weeks of sustained actions, from grassroots activism to billboards, to drive attention to the dozens of families who are invisible behind detention walls in Pennsylvania and Texas. We want them and the government to know they’re not forgotten, and that we are working to free them all. 

Thank you all for your continuing support and activism on these case campaigns. Our collective action shines a bright light on these families and the unlawful detention of them and so many more people detained in immigration facilities, and helps push the needle for their release.

Browse Victories


Urgent Action Victory! Crimean Lawyer Released But Still At Risk (Ukraine: UA 31/17)

Human rights lawyer Emil Kurbedinov was released on 5 February in Simferopol, Crimea, having served 10 days in administrative detention…

February 13, 2017


Urgent Action Victory! Algerian Journalist Hassan Bouras Released (Algeria: UA 280/16)

Algerian journalist Hassan Bouras was released on 17 January after his sentence was reduced to a six-month suspended prison term…

February 13, 2017


Urgent Action Victory! Not-Guilty Verdict For Men Sentenced To Death (China: UA 256/05)

After more than 13 years since Huang Zhiqiang, Fang Chunping, Cheng Fagen and Cheng Lihe were originally sentenced to death,…

January 25, 2017


Urgent Action Victory! Unlawfully Detained Hindu Fisherman Out On Bail (Bangladesh: UA 7/17)

Hindu fisherman Rasraj Das was granted bail on 16 January 2017 after spending more than two months in jail for…

January 24, 2017


Urgent Action Victory! Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence (USA: UA 277/16)

With less than a week left in his term, former President Barack Obama commuted Chelsea Manning’s sentence on 17 January.…

January 24, 2017


Urgent Action Victory! Cuban Graffiti Artist Released (Cuba: UA 273/16)

Cuban graffiti artist Danilo Maldonado Machado (‘El Sexto’) was released over the weekend. Amnesty International had considered him a prisoner…

January 24, 2017


Urgent Action Victory! Four Youth Activists Released On Bail (Angola: UA 188/16)

Four Angolan youth activists who are part of the Benguela Revolutionary Movement (Movimento Revolucionário de Benguela) are out on bail.…

January 17, 2017


Urgent Action Victory! Bahraini Prisoner Of Conscience Released (Bahrain: UA 3/16)

Bahraini activist Dr Sa’eed Mothaher Habib al-Samahiji has been released after completing his one-year prison sentence. He was a prisoner…

January 5, 2017


Urgent Action Victory! Human Rights Defender Reunited With Family (Pakistan: UA 181/16)

Human rights defender Wahid Baloch has been released more than four months after suspected enforced disappearance by state security forces…

December 22, 2016


Urgent Action Victory! Police Return Human Rights Defender’s Seized Vehicles (Nicaragua: UA 276/16)

On 10 December Nicaraguan police returned two vehicles that they had taken possession of from human rights defender Francisca Ramírez…

December 14, 2016


Urgent Action Victory! Texas Court Blocks Execution (USA: UA 264/16)

On 2 December, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued a stay of execution to John Battaglia, a 61-year-old man…

December 5, 2016


Urgent Action Victory! Child Released From Administrative Detention (Israel/OPT: UA 101/16)

Abed al-Rahman Awad Kmail was released by the Israeli authorities from administrative detention on 2 October after nearly eight months…

December 5, 2016