
Changing lives and policies

We free people from prison who are being held unjustly because of who they are or what they believe. We change laws to protect millions of people’s human rights. We transform societies to be more fair, free, and just.

Here are our victories

Featured Victory

Marilin* (31) and Yunior* (11), have been released! Before the family’s release this week, Marilin faced an anniversary no parent would want: one year of lockup with her child simply for seeking safety here in the United States.

Marilin and Yunior were featured in our family detention campaign surge – several weeks of sustained actions, from grassroots activism to billboards, to drive attention to the dozens of families who are invisible behind detention walls in Pennsylvania and Texas. We want them and the government to know they’re not forgotten, and that we are working to free them all. 

Thank you all for your continuing support and activism on these case campaigns. Our collective action shines a bright light on these families and the unlawful detention of them and so many more people detained in immigration facilities, and helps push the needle for their release.

Browse Victories


Syrian Democracy Activist Released!

Dr. Mohamed al-Ammar, a peaceful advocate of democratic reform from Dera’a, southern Syria, was released on 22 April after spending…

June 11, 2012


Great News! Iraqi Detainees Given Access to Lawyers and Relatives

Four men who were previously being held incommunicado in Iraq now have access to their lawyers and relatives.

June 11, 2012


Turkish Journalists Released!

Turkish journalists Adem Özköse and Hamit Coskun arrived back in Turkey on 13 May after being detained in Syria for…

June 11, 2012


Tunisian Activists’ Sentence to be Overturned!

Six Tunisian activists, accused of treason for organizing and attending a lecture, have been released on bail and given lesser…

June 5, 2012


Great News! Journalist Freed!

Afghan journalist Nasto Naderi was released on bail on 8 May after being detained for broadcasting material criticizing the mayor…

June 5, 2012


Great News! Striking Workers Released!

Five Egyptian men were arrested by military police on 7 March after participating in a strike protesting bad work conditions…

June 5, 2012


Great News! Government Critic Released!

Andrés Carrión Álvarez, a government critic from Cuba, was released from prison after being charged with public disorder.

June 5, 2012


Great News! Government Critic Released!

Andrés Carrión Álvarez, a government critic from Cuba, was released from prison after being charged with public disorder.

June 5, 2012


Great News! Prisoner Freed, If Gives Up Political Activism.

Prisoner of conscience José Daniel Ferrer García has been released after being held for nearly a month, on the condition…

June 5, 2012


Great News! Human Rights Lawyer Released!

Syrian human rights lawyer Abdullah al-Khalil, who represents political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, was released on 28 March after…

June 5, 2012


Great News! Students Arrested at Demonstration Released!

Togolese students arrested on 28 March and 3 April, following demonstrations at the University of Kara, have been released without…

June 5, 2012


Great News! Students Arrested at Demonstration Released!

Togolese students arrested on 28 March and 3 April, following demonstrations at the University of Kara, have been released without…

June 5, 2012