
Changing lives and policies

We free people from prison who are being held unjustly because of who they are or what they believe. We change laws to protect millions of people’s human rights. We transform societies to be more fair, free, and just.

Here are our victories

Featured Victory

Marilin* (31) and Yunior* (11), have been released! Before the family’s release this week, Marilin faced an anniversary no parent would want: one year of lockup with her child simply for seeking safety here in the United States.

Marilin and Yunior were featured in our family detention campaign surge – several weeks of sustained actions, from grassroots activism to billboards, to drive attention to the dozens of families who are invisible behind detention walls in Pennsylvania and Texas. We want them and the government to know they’re not forgotten, and that we are working to free them all. 

Thank you all for your continuing support and activism on these case campaigns. Our collective action shines a bright light on these families and the unlawful detention of them and so many more people detained in immigration facilities, and helps push the needle for their release.

Browse Victories


Great News! Activist Released in Burundi

Faustin Ndikumana, President of the Burundian organization Words and Action for the Awakening of Conscience and the Evolution of Mindsets…

March 2, 2012


Great News! Syrian Activist Released From Detention

Syrian man Ahmed Andora was released on 27 January 2012 after almost four months in detention.

March 2, 2012


Great News! Woman Activist Released in Bahrain

Zainab al-Khawaja was released on 20 February after having been arrested on 12 February for participating in a protest. She…

March 2, 2012


Great News! 14 Manama protestors released

On 14 February 2012 a judge ordered the release of 14 people who had been serving six-month sentences for taking…

March 2, 2012


Great News! Naser Bader al-Raas found not guilty

A Canadian sentenced last October in Bahrain to five years in prison for taking part in anti-government protests has now…

March 2, 2012


Great News! Forced Eviction Halted

The planned demolition of the Railway Quarter in Port Harcourt was halted by the state authorities after pressure from the…

March 2, 2012


Great News! Sudanese Activist Released Without Charge

The six members of the student-led movement Girifna who were arrested on 25 January have been released from Kober prison…

March 2, 2012


Great News! Hasson Ba’oom Realeased Without Charge

Hassan Ba’oom, leader of a political opposition group in southern Yemen, was released without charge along with his son Fawaz…

March 2, 2012


Great News! Detained Activist Released on Bail

Three Zimbabwean activists from the Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe (MMPZ) who were arrested in December 2011 have been released on…

March 2, 2012


10 Years Too Many: International Day of Action Against Guantanamo – January 11, 2012

On January 11, 2012, Amnesty International, Witness Against Torture, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, the Center for Constitutional Rights…

February 10, 2012


Great News! Governor of Delaware Grants Clemency

The Governor of the US state of Delaware has commuted the death sentence of Robert Gattis to life imprisonment without…

January 30, 2012


Great News! Chadian Human Rights Defender Daniel Deuzoumbe Released

Human rights defender Daniel Deuzoumbe Passalet was released without charge on 30 December 2011. He returned to N’Djamena, the capital…

January 30, 2012