
Changing lives and policies

We free people from prison who are being held unjustly because of who they are or what they believe. We change laws to protect millions of people’s human rights. We transform societies to be more fair, free, and just.

Here are our victories

Featured Victory

Marilin* (31) and Yunior* (11), have been released! Before the family’s release this week, Marilin faced an anniversary no parent would want: one year of lockup with her child simply for seeking safety here in the United States.

Marilin and Yunior were featured in our family detention campaign surge – several weeks of sustained actions, from grassroots activism to billboards, to drive attention to the dozens of families who are invisible behind detention walls in Pennsylvania and Texas. We want them and the government to know they’re not forgotten, and that we are working to free them all. 

Thank you all for your continuing support and activism on these case campaigns. Our collective action shines a bright light on these families and the unlawful detention of them and so many more people detained in immigration facilities, and helps push the needle for their release.

Browse Victories


Tunisian Prisoner of Conscience Released

Following a relentless national and international campaign, Tunisian prisoner of conscience Zouheir Yahiaoui was…

April 14, 2011


Prisoner of Conscience Cheam Channy Released in Cambodia

Cambodian prisoner of conscience and opposition parliamentarian Cheam Channy was released from Phnom Penh’s military prison…

April 14, 2011


Businesswoman Released in Iraq

Huda Hafez Ahmad al-‘Azawi, a businesswoman accused of “financing the insurgency,” was arrested by US soldiers and Iraqi…

April 14, 2011


Two Fifteen-Year Old Girls Released in Nepal

Radha Bhusal and Geeta Nepali, subjects of a recent AI Urgent Action, were freed on October 24, 2005 following a…

April 14, 2011


Prisoner of Conscience Gurbandurdy Durdykuliev has been released!

Amnesty International welcomes the release of Gurbandurdy Durdykuliev, a 64 year-old prisoner of conscience from…

April 14, 2011


U.S. Legislation Condemns Murders of Women in Chihuahua, Mexico

Amnesty International USA welcomes the congressional passage of legislation calling on the United States and Mexico to work…

April 14, 2011


Vermont Passes Law to Protect Women in Prison from Custodial Sexual Misconduct

Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) applauded lawmakers in Vermont for passing legislation that protects women in prison from…

April 14, 2011


Student Leader, Gagan Thapa, Thanks Urgent Action

Gagan Thapa appeared before the Special Court in Kathmandu in August 2005, where he was charged with sedition before being…

April 14, 2011


Activist Imran Ezhiev Continues Work, Even After Multiple Arrests and Torture

Imran Ezhiev, head of the regional department of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society for Ingushetia and Chechnya and a…

April 14, 2011


19 Year Old Yuldash Kasymov’s Death Sentence Commuted

Uzbekistan’s Supreme Court commuted 19-year old Yuldash Kasymov’s death sentence to 20 years in prison in November 2005….

April 14, 2011


Prisoner of Conscience “Very Grateful” to Urgent Action

Hojjatoleslam Ezimi Qedimi was returned to prison on March 26, 2006 after an appeal against a one-year prison sentence was…

April 14, 2011


Guantánamo detainee, Murat Kurnaz has been released!

Murat Kurnaz, a Turkish national born in Germany and featured in AIUSA’s Holiday Card action, was released on August 24,…

April 14, 2011