
Changing lives and policies

We free people from prison who are being held unjustly because of who they are or what they believe. We change laws to protect millions of people’s human rights. We transform societies to be more fair, free, and just.

Here are our victories

Featured Victory

Marilin* (31) and Yunior* (11), have been released! Before the family’s release this week, Marilin faced an anniversary no parent would want: one year of lockup with her child simply for seeking safety here in the United States.

Marilin and Yunior were featured in our family detention campaign surge – several weeks of sustained actions, from grassroots activism to billboards, to drive attention to the dozens of families who are invisible behind detention walls in Pennsylvania and Texas. We want them and the government to know they’re not forgotten, and that we are working to free them all. 

Thank you all for your continuing support and activism on these case campaigns. Our collective action shines a bright light on these families and the unlawful detention of them and so many more people detained in immigration facilities, and helps push the needle for their release.

Browse Victories


Harassmant of a Peasant Farmer and His Family Stopped in Brazil (UA 005/09)

Jose Luis da Silva, Severina dos Santos Silva and their family are currently receiving protection after numerous threats to…

April 14, 2011


Usra al-Hussein Released from Incommunicado Detention in Syria (UA 261/08)

Usra al-Hussein was released on July 18 after spending nearly a year in incommunicado detention without charge or trial. Her…

April 14, 2011


Human Rights Defender Released on Bail in Iran (UA 193/09)

Human rights defender Shadi Sadr was released on bail on July 28 after being abducted on July 17 in Tehran…

April 14, 2011


North Carolina Racial Justice Act Becomes Law!

On August 11, North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue signed the Racial Justice Act into law, making North Carolina only the…

April 14, 2011


Stay of Execution for Kenneth Mosley

Late on September 23, the U.S. Supreme Court stayed the execution of Kenneth Mosley – a death row prisoner from…

April 14, 2011


Two Reprieves in Ohio!

On Monday, October 5, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland granted temporary reprieves to Lawrence Reynolds and Darryl Durr. These…

April 14, 2011


After 3 Months, Iranian Prisoner of Conscience Released Without Charge (UA 176/09)

Jakarkhon Sheikho, an Iranian prisoner of conscience who was detained incommunicado for nearly three and a half months, was…

April 14, 2011


(UA 110/08) Freedom in Sri Lanka for Vettivel and Valarmathi Jasikaran

Journalist Vettivel Jaskaran and his wife Valarmathi Jaskaran were released on 26 October 2009 after being arbitrarily…

April 14, 2011


(UA 286/09) Turkmen Environmentalist Evades Five Years’ Imprisonment

Andrei Zakota, a 53-year-old male environmentalist, was released on 6 November from a sentence of five years in prison after…

April 14, 2011


(UA 196/09)

Thousands of people in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, are no longer facing eviction from their market stalls and homes. Amnesty…

April 14, 2011


(UA 10/09) Stoning sentence quashed in Iran

Gilan Mohammadi(f) and Gholamali Eskandari(m) were released from prison in the central Iranian city of Esfahan on 4 October…

April 14, 2011


(UA 230/09) Good News! Missing NGO Worker Returns Home in China

Zhuang Lu, a 27-year-old woman who worked for the Open Constitution Initiative (OCI, known as Gongmeng in Chinese), a legal…

April 14, 2011