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Press Release

Passage of ENDA a Step in the Right Direction

LGBT discrimination knows no borders. The United States must become a leader in supporting LGBT communities worldwide.

November 7, 2013

Press Release

Pussy Riot Member Rumored to Have Been Transferred to Siberian Prison

There is a global spotlight on the deteriorating human rights situation in Russia. Sending Nadezhda Tolokonnikova to Siberia will not…

November 6, 2013

Press Release

Syrians Fleeing Violence Are Turned Back at Jordanian Border

Hundreds of Syrians fleeing the violence and turmoil at home are being turned back by Jordan and other neighboring countries.

October 31, 2013

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Threats and Cyber Attack Will Not Deter Women from Driving

Saudi Arabian women activists still plan to defy a driving ban Saturday (Oct. 26), despite having their campaign website hacked…

October 25, 2013

Press Release

Saudi Arabia Must Not Thwart Campaign for Women Drivers

The Saudi Arabian authorities must respect the right of women to drive this Saturday in defiance of a ban on…

October 24, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch Release Dual Reports on Drone Strikes

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch will issue two new reports on U.S. drone strikes and other air strikes in…

October 18, 2013

Press Release

On Anniversary of Attack on Malala Yousafzai, Renewed Call to Advance the Rights of Women and Girls Worldwide

The Taliban may have shot Malala, but it utterly failed to silence her call for equal access to education and…

October 8, 2013

Press Release

Christians Scapegoated after Dispersal of Pro-Morsi Sit-ins in Egypt

A detailed report into the attacks targeting Coptic Christian communities in August reveals the extent of the failure of the…

October 7, 2013

Press Release

As Olympic Torch Arrives in Moscow, Putin Blows Out the Flame of Freedom

Steven W. Hawkins, Amnesty International USA's new executive director, issued the following statement to mark the arrival of the Olympic…

October 7, 2013

Press Release

Welcoming Prison Release of Herman Wallace; Urging Gov. Jindal to Remove Co-Defendant Woodfox from Decades of Solitary Confinement

Amnesty International USA issued comments today from Steven W. Hawkins, executive director, in response to news that the state of…

October 2, 2013

Press Release

Russian Winter Games Olympic Torch Throws Light on Human Rights Violations

As the Olympic torch arrives in Moscow, Amnesty International is launching a worldwide campaign to highlight Russia’s increasingly deplorable human…

October 2, 2013

Press Release

Turkey Accused of Gross Human Rights Violations in Gezi Park Protests

Turkish authorities committed human rights violations on a massive scale in the government’s attempts to crush the Gezi Park protests…

September 26, 2013