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Press Release

Damning Evidence Points to Security Forces’ Use of Excessive Force Against Morsi Supporters

Evidence gathered by Amnesty International suggests that security forces have used excessive force against supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi.…

July 9, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Applauds Supreme Court Ruling on Defense of Marriage Act

Frank Jannuzi, deputy executive director of Amnesty International USA, issued the following comments in response to the Supreme Court ruling…

June 26, 2013

Press Release

President Obama Must Use Africa Trip to Push Leaders to Protect Human Rights

On the eve of President Obama’s trip this week to Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania, Amnesty International USA is urging…

June 26, 2013

Stéphane Koche has been an LGBTI activist in Cameroon since 2005 (Photo Credit: Amnesty International).

Sheet of paper Report

Making Love a Crime: Criminalization of Same-Sex Conduct in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report provides an analysis of the legal environment and wider context of human rights violations against lesbian, gay, bisexual,…

June 24, 2013

Press Release

On Eve of Obama Trip, New Report Finds Dangerously Rising Levels of Homophobia in Africa

Attacks, threats, and harassment of gays and lesbians are becoming more visible across sub-Saharan Africa, indicating that homophobia is reaching…

June 24, 2013

Press Release

Government Restrictions and Police Violence Threaten Pride March in Turkey’s Taksim Square

Following weeks of violently suppressed public protests, the Turkish government’s declaration that public assemblies in Istanbul’s central Taksim Square will…

June 21, 2013

Press Release

Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Migrants Held Indefinitely in Deplorable Conditions in Libya

The Libyan authorities must act immediately to end the indefinite detention of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants, including children, solely for…

June 19, 2013

Press Release

New Report Reveals Civilians Tortured, Disappeared, and Killed by Security Forces in Mali in Months After French Intervention

Dozens of civilians have been tortured, killed, and disappeared, including while in detention, by Mali’s security forces in the five…

June 5, 2013

Press Release

Nigerian President Must Veto Discriminatory Anti-LGBTI Bill

Amnesty International and nine other international human rights groups urged Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan to veto a draconian new law…

June 5, 2013

Press Release

El Salvador Must End Total Ban on Abortions As Beatriz, 22, Recovers From Early Caesarian Section

Amnesty International said today that no woman should ever experience the “unimaginable cruelty,” torture and discrimination suffered by the pregnant…

June 4, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Responds to Passing of Senator Lautenberg

Frank Jannuzi, deputy executive director for Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement in response to the passing of United…

June 3, 2013

Press Release

As 62 Countries Sign Historic Arms Trade Treaty, U.S. Must Sign as Quickly as Possible Following Positive Statement by Sec. Kerry

As 62 countries formally signed the landmark Arms Trade Treaty today, Amnesty International challenged governments to rapidly and rigorously implement…

June 3, 2013