News & Blog

Press Release

Greece: Chaos and squalid conditions face record number of refugees on Lesvos

Weak coordination and severe shortages in facilities and staffing are creating dreadful conditions for the hundreds of refugees and migrants…

August 25, 2015

Press Release

Thailand Must Not Send Uighurs to Chinese Torture

The Thai authorities must not return 50 ethnic Uighurs to China, where they are at risk of being tortured, forcibly…

July 9, 2015

Press Release

EU: Dramatic Fall in Death Toll as Med Search-And-Rescue Operations Save Thousands

A dramatic fall in the number of migrants and refugees who have lost their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean…

July 8, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

Europe’s Borderlands: Violations Against Migrants and Refugees in Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary

Thousands of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants – including children – making dangerous journeys across the Balkans are suffering violent abuse…

July 6, 2015

Press Release

Southeast Asia: Open letter on the refugee and migrant crisis in Southeast Asia

One month after 17 countries gathered in Bangkok to discuss the refugee and migrant crisis in South East Asia, the…

July 1, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Operation Mbata ya Bakolo: mass expulsions of foreign nationals in the Republic of Congo

Police violence, persecution, arbitrary detentions and rape amid a security operation to deport tens of thousands of DR Congo nationals…

July 1, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes Senate Adoption of Anti-Torture Amendment

Today, the Senate adopted a crucial anti-torture amendment as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year…

June 16, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

The Global Refugee Crisis: A Conspiracy of Neglect

World leaders are condemning millions of refugees to an unbearable existence and thousands to death by failing to provide essential…

June 15, 2015

Press Release

New Details of Majid Khan’s Torture Highlight Need for Re-opening of Department of Justice Investigation

Today, Reuters published for the first time de-classified information detailing the CIA’s torture of Guantanamo detainee Majid Khan. According to…

June 2, 2015

Press Release

South East Asia: ‘Boat people’ crisis summit an opportunity that must not be missed

Representatives of 17 countries will gather in Bangkok on 29 May to discuss the current asylum seeker and migrant crisis…

May 28, 2015

Press Release

Angolan Authorities Must Abandon Defamation Charges Against ‘Blood Diamonds’ Journalist

Angola’s authorities must abandon efforts to resuscitate the criminal defamation case against investigative journalist Rafael Marques de Morais, said Amnesty…

May 27, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

‘Strangling Necks’: Abduction, Torture and Summary Killings of Palestinians by Hamas Forces During the 2014 Gaza/Israel Conflict

Hamas forces carried out a brutal campaign of abductions, torture and unlawful killings against Palestinians accused of “collaborating” with Israel…

May 26, 2015