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Sheet of paper Report

Entombed: Isolation in the US Federal Prison System

The USA stands virtually alone in the world in incarcerating thousands of prisoners in long term or indefinite solitary confinement,…

July 16, 2014

Press Release

Estados Unidos y Otros Gobiernos de la Región Fracasan en la Protección de Menores Migrantes No Acompañados

El número de niños y niñas migrantes no acompañados que cruzan la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México se ha…

July 7, 2014

Press Release

United States and Other Regional Governments Failing to Protect Unaccompanied Migrant Children

Children fleeing unprecedented levels of organized crime and gang violence are not pawns in the political debate about immigration reform.

July 3, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty USA Responds to Obama Administration’s Request for Border Control Funds

In response to President Obama's request to Congress to provide more than $2 billion in new funds to control the…

July 1, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

Reflections and recommendations on truth, remedy and accountability as declassification of Senate Committee summary report on CIA secret detentions awaited.

Amnesty International calls for the full report to be declassified as a matter of priority –with redactions only where strictly…

June 25, 2014

Press Release

Secret and Incommunicado Detention of Benghazi Suspect Must Stop

The U.S. government must ensure that Ahmed Abu Khattalah, who is being held in secret and incommunicado detention, gets immediate…

June 18, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International USA on President Obama at West Point: Time to Follow Through

President Obama is right to say that ‘we cannot exempt ourselves from the rules that apply to everyone else,’ but…

May 28, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty Marks One Year Since President Obama’s National Security Speech

Marking one year since President Obama's national security speech on May 23, 2013, Steven W. Hawkins, executive director of Amnesty…

May 21, 2014

Press Release

After 42 years in solitary, it’s time to release Albert Woodfox

Forty two years ago today, Albert Woodfox was placed in an isolation cell in a Louisiana prison on suspicion of…

April 17, 2014

Press Release

Viet Nam: Prisoners of Conscience Released But Dozens Remain Jailed

The early release in Viet Nam of several prisoners of conscience is welcome, but serves to highlight the situation of…

April 14, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International to Highlight Local Human Rights Issues at Annual Conference in Chicago

On April 4-6 at the JW Marriott (151 W Adams St), hundreds of activists will gather for Amnesty International’s annual…

April 2, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

Syria: Squeezing the life out of Yarmouk: War crimes against besieged civilians

Three years after popular pro-reform then anti-government protests drew a brutal response from the Syrian authorities, leading to the internal…

March 10, 2014