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Press Release

Five Beheaded and ‘Crucified’ Amid ‘Disturbing’ Rise in Executions in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia must halt a "disturbing" rise in death penalty usage that has resulted in at least 47 state killings in the country already this year.

May 21, 2013

Press Release

Saudi Arabia Threatens New NGO in an Attempt to Intimidate and Repress Human Rights Activism

Saudi Arabian authorities have interrogated and intimidated four founding members of an emerging human rights group, said Amnesty International, which demanded that the repression stop.

May 1, 2013

Press Release

Annual Death Penalty Report Finds Setbacks for a Handful of Countries but Progress Toward Abolition Across the Globe

In its annual report today on executions and death sentences worldwide, Amnesty International found a handful of countries renewing executions after abandoning them for years – notably India, Japan, and Pakistan – and an alarming escalation of executions in Iraq.

April 3, 2013

Press Release

Execution of Seven Saudi Arabian Men “Act of Sheer Brutality”

The execution today of seven men in Saudi Arabia after allegedly being forced to “confess” to charges of armed robbery was an act of sheer brutality, Amnesty International said.

March 13, 2013

Press Release

Seven Saudi Men to Face Firing Squad Wednesday Morning for Armed Robbery

Amnesty International said today Saudi Arabia is set to execute seven men Wednesday morning for robbery and called for an immediate halt to what would be an act of “sheer brutality.”

March 12, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on Saudi King to Halt Execution of Sri Lankan Woman

A young Sri Lankan woman is at imminent risk of execution in Saudi Arabia for a crime she allegedly committed when she was under 18, prompting Amnesty International to urge the country’s King to prevent the sentence being carried out.

January 8, 2013

Press Release

Saudi Demonstration Highlights a Year of Failure to Investigate Protest Deaths

As Saudi Arabians in the Eastern Province prepared to take to the streets to mark the deaths of at least 14 people in connection with protests there since last year, Amnesty International issued a call for the country’s authorities to investigate the killings.

November 8, 2012

Press Release

Saudi Arabia Ramps up Clampdown on Human Rights Activists

A number of key Saudi Arabian human rights activists have been put on trial, signalling a growing crackdown on their work.

June 18, 2012

Press Release

Beheading for “Sorcery” in Saudi Arabia Shocking, says Amnesty International

The beheading of a woman convicted of "witchcraft and sorcery" is deeply shocking and highlights the urgent need for a halt in executions in Saudi Arabia, Amnesty International said today.

December 13, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Saudi Arabia: Repression in the Name of Security

December 1, 2011

Press Release

New Wave of Repression in Saudi Arabia as Authorities Stifle Calls for Political Reform, Says New Amnesty International Report

The last nine months has seen a new wave of repression in Saudi Arabia as authorities have arrested and imprisoned protesters demanding political reforms, Amnesty International said today. The crackdown includes a draft anti-terror law that would effectively criminalize dissent as a “terrorist crime.”

December 1, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Finds Lengthy Sentences for Reformists in Saudi Arabia a Worrying Development

Lengthy prison sentences given to 16 men, among them prominent advocates of reform who had tried to set up a human rights association in Saudi Arabia, are a worrying development, Amnesty International said today.

November 23, 2011