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Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Amnesty International Urges Saudi Arabie to Allow Peaceful Protests, After Government Bans Right to Demonstrations

Amnesty International Press ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseMonday, March 7, 2011Amnesty International Urges Saudi Arabia to Allow Peaceful Protests, After Government Bans Right to Legitimate Demonstrations and Detains 24 PeopleOrganization Also Calls for Investigation Into Reports Police Beat and Kicked Protesters in city of al-Qatif Contact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (New York) -- Amnesty International today called on the Saudi Arabian government to allow peaceful protests, saying a ban on all demonstrations in the kingdom was “outrageous.” The organization also called for an investigation into the detention last week of about 24 people after peaceful protests and assaults by police on others.On…

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Saudi Arabia must investigate abuse against Sri Lankan domestic worker

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENT AI Index: MDE 23/010/2010 3 September 2010 Saudi Arabia must investigate abuse against Sri Lankan domestic worker Amnesty International has urged the Saudi Arabian authorities to investigate without delay allegations by a Sri Lankan woman that she was seriously abused and injured while employed recently as a domestic servant in Saudi Arabia and to bring the perpetrators to justice if the allegations are well founded. According to press reports in Sri Lanka and information received by Amnesty International, L P Ariyawathie, a 49-year-old mother of three children, was severely abused by her employers in Saudi Arabia…

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Authorities must not deliberately paralyze man as punishment

Amnesty International today urged the Saudi Arabian authorities not to deliberately paralyze a man in retribution for...

March 27, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Saudi Arabia 2010

Head of state and government King Abdullah Bin 'Abdul 'Aziz Al-Saud Death penalty retentionist Population 25.7 million Life expectancy 72.7 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 26/17 per 1,000 Adult literacy 85 per cent The authorities used a wide range of repressive measures to suppress freedom of expression and other legitimate activities. Hundreds of people were arrested as suspected terrorists. Thousands of others arrested in the name of security in previous years remained in jail; they included prisoners of conscience. Some 330 security suspects received unfair trials before a newly constituted but closed specialized court; one was sentenced to death and 323…

March 19, 2011