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Sheet of paper Report

Families Under the Rubble – Israeli Attacks on Inhabited Homes

Israeli forces have killed scores of Palestinian civilians in attacks targeting houses full of families which in some cases have amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International has disclosed in a new report on the latest Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip.

November 5, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Families Under the Rubble: Israeli Attacks on Inhabited Homes

Israeli forces have killed scores of Palestinian civilians in attacks targeting houses full of families, which in some cases have amounted to war crimes. "Families under the Rubble: Israeli Attacks on Inhabited Homes" details eight cases where residential family homes in Gaza were attacked by Israeli forces without warning during Operation Protective Edge in July and August 2014, causing the deaths of at least 104 civilians, including 62 children. The report reveals a pattern of frequent Israeli attacks using large aerial bombs to level civilian homes, sometimes killing entire families.

November 3, 2014

Press Release

Stop U.S. Shipment of Fuel to Israel’s Armed Forces as Evidence of Gaza War Crimes Mount

Amnesty International is appealing to the U.S. government to immediately halt the transfer of a U.S. fuel shipment currently on its way to Israel for use by the Israeli military.

August 4, 2014

Press Release

Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: International Criminal Court key to breaking cycle of injustice for war crimes

The UN Security Council, the Palestinian Authority and Israel must do everything within their power to enable the International Criminal Court (ICC) to bring to justice those responsible for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the current and past Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, said Amnesty International. 

August 1, 2014

Press Release

U.S. Must Stop Arms Transfers to Israel Amid Growing Evidence of War Crimes in Gaza

The U.S. government must immediately end its ongoing deliveries of large quantities of arms to Israel, which are providing the tools to commit further serious violations of international law in Gaza.

July 31, 2014

Press Release

Israel/Gaza: Attacks on Medical Facilities and Civilians Add to War Crime Allegations

The continuing bombardment of civilian homes in several areas of the Gaza Strip, as well as the Israeli shelling of a hospital, add to the list of possible war crimes that demand an urgent independent international investigation.

July 21, 2014

Press Release

Further War Crimes Must Be Prevented After Israeli Ground Assault

Israel’s ground assault on the Gaza Strip, which began last night after 10 days of attacks by Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups, accentuates the need for urgent international action.

July 18, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Trigger-happy: Israel’s use of excessive force in the West Bank

Israeli forces have displayed a callous disregard for human life by killing dozens of Palestinian civilians, including children, in the occupied West Bank over the past three years.

February 27, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Report Shows Israeli Army and Police Use Excessive Force in West Bank

Amnesty International released a report today that shows Israeli forces have displayed a callous disregard for human life by killing dozens of Palestinian civilians, including children, in the occupied West Bank over the past three years.

February 26, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories 2013

State of Israel Head of state Shimon Peres Head of government Benjamin Netanyahu The Israeli authorities held more than 4,500 Palestinian prisoners, including 178 administrative detainees at the end of the year, after a temporary decrease in numbers following Palestinian and international protests. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees during arrest and interrogation was reported. Israel's military blockade of the Gaza Strip continued to severely affect Gaza's 1.6 million residents. In November, Israel launched an eight-day military campaign against Palestinian armed groups who fired rockets indiscriminately from Gaza into Israel; more than 160 Palestinians as well as six Israelis were…

May 20, 2013

Press Release

Israel Must Release Palestinian Academic Detained Without Justification

Amnesty International today repeated its demand that Israel release Palestinian activist and scholar, Ahmed Qatamesh, who has been held without charge for two years – after his administrative detention was extended for the sixth time without justification.

April 25, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Egypt/Sudan: Refugees face kidnapping for ransom, brutal treatment and human trafficking

Amnesty International is greatly concerned for the safety and security of refugees and asylum-seekers held captive in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.

April 4, 2013