
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Israeli Authorities Must Release Palestinian Prisoner of Conscience in West Bank

The Israeli military authorities must end their campaign of harassment, intimidation and arbitrary detention against Palestinian activist, Bassem Tamimi, in…

November 1, 2012

Press Release

Rachel Corrie Verdict Highlights Impunity for Israeli Military

Amnesty International condemns an Israeli court’s verdict that the government of Israel bears no responsibility in the death of Rachel…

August 28, 2012

Press Release

Latest Exectutions in Hamas-Controlled Gaza Fail to Meet International Justice Standards

Three Men Hanged by Hamas Authorities Faced Questionable Trials, One Man Confessed to Murder After Suspected Torture

July 18, 2012

Press Release

Palestinian Authority Must Deliver Justice to Victims of Ramallah Police Violence

An investigation into Palestinian police violence against peaceful protesters must be independent and transparent, with those responsible brought to justice.

July 5, 2012

Press Release

Israel Must Immediately Release or Provide Medical Treatment for Soccer Professional On Hunger Strike

A Palestinian soccer player, at risk of death after more than 90 days on hunger strike, should immediately be admitted…

June 15, 2012

Press Release

Israel Must Promptly Release Palestinians Held Under Laws That Deprive Right to Fair Trials

In a new report released today, Amnesty International outlines torture, inadequate medical care and other ill-treatment in Israel's prisons.

June 6, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

Starved of Justice: Palestinians Detained Without Trial by Israel

This report calls for an end to Israel’s practice of holding Palestinian prisoners for long periods, without charge or trial.

June 5, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Says Removal of Palestinians from Solitary Confinement A Positive Step, But Israel Should Do More To Protect Prisoners’ Rights

Amnesty International welcomed a deal to end long-term solitary confinement for 19 prisoners in Israel as a step in the…

May 16, 2012

Press Release

Human Rights Groups Call on Israel to Completely Lift Travel Ban for Palestinian Shawan Jabarin, Granted Permission To Leave West Bank For First Trip in Six Years

Having decided to permit Palestinian human rights defender Shawan Jabarin to travel abroad from the West Bank for the first…

March 2, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on Israel to Cancel Plan to Forcibly Displace Jahalin Bedouin Communities on West Bank

Amnesty International urged Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak today to cancel military plans to forcibly displace some 2,300 Bedouin residents…

February 8, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Israel to Release Palestinian on Hunger Strike, Or Charge and Try Him Promptly

Amid fears a Palestinian detainee could die after more than 50 days on a hunger strike, Amnesty International today called…

February 6, 2012

Press Release

Civilians at Risk Amid New Attacks in Israel and Gaza, Says Amnesty International

Contact: AIUSA media relations, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) - Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups must refrain from indiscriminate and disproportionate…

August 23, 2011