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Press Release

Marcus Ray Johnson Set to be Executed in Georgia

The state of Georgia is scheduled to execute Marcus Ray Johnson this evening. Johnson was convicted of a 1994 rape and murder and sentenced to death. He has maintained his innocence since his conviction in 1994.

November 19, 2015

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: 151 executed this year in highest recorded toll in nearly two decades

At least 151 people have been put to death in Saudi Arabia so far this year –the highest recorded figure since 1995 – in an unprecedented wave of executions marking a grim new milestone in the Saudi Arabian authorities’ use of the death penalty, said Amnesty International.

November 9, 2015

Press Release

Singapore: Malaysian man given last-minute reprieve from execution must be granted clemency

A Malaysian man sentenced to death in Singapore on the basis of a disputed murder reconstruction remains at imminent risk of execution and must be granted clemency, Amnesty International said after he was given a last-minute reprieve today.

November 5, 2015

Press Release

Missouri Set to Execute Man with Likely Intellectual Disability

UPDATED: The Supreme Court granted a stay of execution to allow for an appeal

November 3, 2015

Press Release

Singapore: Halt imminent execution of Malaysian national

The Singaporean authorities must immediately halt the imminent execution of 31-year-old Malaysian national Kho Jabing amid concerns his death sentence was re-imposed at the last stage and on the basis of a disputed reconstruction of the circumstances of the crime, Amnesty International said today.

October 29, 2015

Press Release

Bangladesh: Two opposition leaders face imminent execution after serious flaws in their trials and appeals

Two opposition politicians face imminent hanging for crimes committed during the 1971 Independence War after serious flaws occurred in their trial and appeal processes, Amnesty International said today.

October 27, 2015

Press Release

President Obama Must Emphasize Human Rights in Meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo

Today, President Obama will host Indonesian President Joko Widodo for a meeting at the White House. In response, T. Kumar, International Advocacy Director for Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement:

October 26, 2015

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Prisoner of conscience latest to be convicted in ‘counter-terror purge’ of human rights NGO

The Saudi Arabian authorities today continued their cynical use of a repressive and overly vague counter-terrorism law to purge the Kingdom’s small and embattled civil society by convicting the human rights defender Abdulkareem al-Khoder and imprisoning him for 10 years, Amnesty International said.

October 19, 2015

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Fears grow that three young activists could soon be executed

There are rising fears about the impending executions of Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr and two other young Shi’a activists in Saudi Arabia who were arrested as juveniles after participating in anti-government rallies, Amnesty International said today after learning that they had been moved to solitary confinement.

October 16, 2015

Press Release

Indonesia: Report reveals endemic judicial flaws in death penalty cases

Death row prisoners in Indonesia are routinely denied access to lawyers and are coerced into “confessions” through severe beatings, while foreign nationals facing the death penalty had to deal with a judicial system they hardly understand, Amnesty International said in a new report today.

October 14, 2015

Press Release

Execution of two juvenile offenders in just a few days makes a mockery of Iran’s juvenile justice system

Reports have emerged of a second execution of a juvenile offender in Iran in just a few days Amnesty International said today, which reveal the full horror of the country’s deeply flawed juvenile justice system.

October 14, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement on 2015 World Day Against the Death Penalty

The 13th annual World Day Against the Death Penalty will take place on Saturday, October 10th. Activists and organizations will hold events around the globe to call for the universal abolition of capital punishment. In recognition of the day, Steven W. Hawkins, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, released the following statement.

October 9, 2015