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Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Syria 2011

Head of state: Bashar al-Assad Head of government: Muhammad Naji al-'Otri Death penalty: retentionist Population: 22.5 million Life expectancy: 74.6 years Under-5 mortality (m/f): 74.6 years Adult literacy: 83.6 per cent The authorities remained intolerant of dissent. Those who criticized the government, including human rights defenders, faced arrest and imprisonment after unfair trials, and bans from travelling abroad. Some were prisoners of conscience. Human rights NGOs and opposition political parties were denied legal authorization. State forces and the police continued to commit torture and other ill-treatment with impunity, and there were at least eight suspicious deaths in custody. The government…

June 21, 2011

Press Release

Syria Must Protect Children in Protests, Amid New Reports of Brutal Deaths, Says Amnesty International

Amnesty International called on Syrian authorities today to protect child protesters as new video evidence showed the bodies of young people who had been tortured and killed.

June 10, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Decisive Action by U.N. Security Council On Syria

  Amnesty International Urges Decisive Action by U.N. Security Council On Syria   Protests Galvanized by Childrens’ Deaths Were Met Again with Violent Repression, as More Than 120 People are Shot Dead Contact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (New York) -- Amnesty International today urged the United Nations Security Council to act decisively this week on Syria’s violent repression of the protest movement, following one of the bloodiest weekends in months of protests, with more than 120 people reportedly shot dead. The call came ahead of a key Security Council vote expected this week. "As the death toll in Syria reaches…

June 6, 2011

Press Release

UN urged to act following deadly weekend in Syria

Amnesty International has condemned Syrian authorities’ brutal treatment of protesters following one of the bloodiest weekends in months of pro-reform demonstrations, with more than 120 people reportedly shot dead.

June 6, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Decisive Action by U.N. Security Council On Syria

  Amnesty International Urges Decisive Action by U.N. Security Council On Syria   Protests Galvanized by Childrens’ Deaths Were Met Again with Violent Repression, as More Than 120 People are Shot Dead Contact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (New York) -- Amnesty International today urged the United Nations Security Council to act decisively this week on Syria’s violent repression of the protest movement, following one of the bloodiest weekends in months of protests, with more than 120 people reportedly shot dead. The call came ahead of a key Security Council vote expected this week. "As the death toll in Syria reaches…

June 6, 2011

Press Release

UN urged to act following deadly weekend in Syria

Amnesty International has condemned Syrian authorities’ brutal treatment of protesters following one of the bloodiest weekends in months of pro-reform demonstrations, with more than 120 people reportedly shot dead.

June 6, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes Obama Administration’s Decision to Freeze Syrian Leaders’ Assets in the United States

(Washington) – Amnesty International USA welcomed today's announcement by the Obama Administration regarding its decision to freeze the assets of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and six other officials and urged the president to impose a comprehensive arms embargo to pressure Syria to end its crackdown on protesters.

May 19, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes Obama Administration’s Decision to Freeze Syrian Leaders’ Assets in the United States

(Washington) – Amnesty International USA welcomed today's announcement by the Obama Administration regarding its decision to freeze the assets of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and six other officials and urged the president to impose a comprehensive arms embargo to pressure Syria to end its crackdown on protesters.

May 19, 2011

Press Release

Investigation urged into Syrian mass grave reports

The Syrian authorities must carry out a prompt, impartial investigation into reports that a number of bodies were unearthed near the city of Dera’a and into how those deaths occurred  

May 17, 2011

Press Release

Investigation urged into Syrian mass grave reports

The Syrian authorities must carry out a prompt, impartial investigation into reports that a number of bodies were unearthed near the city of Dera’a and into how those deaths occurred  

May 17, 2011

Press Release

Threats force Syrian activists underground amid nationwide protests

Human rights activists seen to be involved in pro-reform protests in Syria have been forced into hiding after receiving threats from Syrian authorities, Amnesty International said today as a “Day of Defiance” took place around the country.

May 12, 2011

Press Release

Threats force Syrian activists underground amid nationwide protests

Human rights activists seen to be involved in pro-reform protests in Syria have been forced into hiding after receiving threats from Syrian authorities, Amnesty International said today as a “Day of Defiance” took place around the country.

May 12, 2011