
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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AIUSA Executive Director Margaret and AI Secretary General Salil Shetty delivered a letter to the Department of Homeland Security Secretary, outlining numerous personal stories of people who are affected by the Muslim ban, asking DHS to release full information about how the ban has been implemented, and demanding that DHS help roll back the ban. As a part of the protests outside, we projected “No Ban, No Wall” on the building along with photos of refugees in Lebanon and Kenya provided by Magnum Photography.

Press Release

It’s Time To Stop Political Posturing And Protect Human Rights At The Border, Says Amnesty

In anticipation of President Trump’s address tonight on his administration’s policies toward asylum-seekers and migrants at the border, Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International, issued the following statement: “The president’s persistent efforts to dehumanize asylum seekers at the border must no longer be enabled by any kind of federal support – period. His proposed wall is nothing more than a divisive symbol of fear and it should not be funded at all. “The Trump Administration has done everything in its power to make the situation at the border as unbearable as possible. From forcing people to remain in an…

January 8, 2019

Yellow and white graphic with the Amnesty international logo on the bottom left and the word

Press Release

Remain in Mexico Plan Could Prove Deadly to Vulnerable Families

In response to a negotiated deal between the United States and Mexico that would require people to remain in Mexico while their claims to seek protection are processed in the United States, Amnesty International executive director Margaret Huang issued this statement: “This deal is a stark violation of international law, flies in the face of US laws passed by Congress, and is a callous response to the families and individuals running for their lives. While mothers, fathers, and children leave everything behind in search of protection, the US and Mexican governments are collaborating to shut down their access to safety.…

December 20, 2018

Press Release

Mexico: Amnesty International urges president-elect to take action for human rights during his first 100 days

Amnesty International launched a campaign today urging President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador to take concrete measures during the first 100 days of his administration to improve the human rights situation in Mexico.

November 28, 2018

Yellow and white graphic with the Amnesty international logo on the bottom left and the word

Press Release

US government endangers asylum seekers with unlawful policies

Unlawful US border policies are leaving thousands of asylum seekers stranded in Mexico, where they are facing threats of deportation to their countries of origin, where they potentially face serious harm, Amnesty International said today following a research mission last week. Conditions could only worsen under a reported deal between both countries that, if agreed, would force asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their claims are processed, rather than allow them to enter the United States. As a result of Amnesty International’s research focusing on the treatment of refugees and migrants in the caravans in Guatemala, the southern Mexican state…

November 26, 2018

Press Release

Americas: Authorities must not deport caravan members to face danger

Mexican authorities must guarantee that no one at risk of danger in Honduras is deported and that caravan members are informed of their right to seek asylum, said Amnesty International today in response to news that several members of the caravan were transferred to a migration detention center rather than to a shelter.

October 21, 2018

Press Release

United States / Mexico: Possible deportation fund between USA and Mexico is shameful business

The Trump administration´s intentions to pay the Mexican government millions of dollars to deport irregular migrants is risky business that must not be permitted, said Amnesty International today. This came in response to a New York Times article printed 13 September detailing $20 million dollars of foreign assistance proposed by the Trump administration to US Congress for the deportation of at least 17,000 irregular migrants by the Mexican government.

September 13, 2018

Press Release

Amnesty International staff targeted with malicious spyware

An Amnesty International staff member has been targeted by a sophisticated surveillance campaign, in what the organization suspects was a deliberate attempt to spy on its staff by a government hostile to its work. In early June 2018, an Amnesty International staff member received a suspicious WhatsApp message in Arabic. The text contained details about an alleged protest outside the Saudi embassy in Washington D.C., followed by a link to a website. Investigations by Amnesty International’s technology team revealed that clicking the link would have, according to prior knowledge, installed “Pegasus”, a sophisticated surveillance tool developed by the Israel-based company NSO Group. “NSO Group…

August 1, 2018

Press Release

Mexico: Authorities’ claims of progress on disappearances in Nuevo Laredo ring hollow

Mexico’s federal authorities continue to overlook key lines of investigation into the disappearances of 36 people in the northern border city of Nuevo Laredo, while failing to protect the victims’ families who have alleged the Navy’s involvement in the disappearances, Amnesty International said today.

July 31, 2018

Press Release

Americas: Amnesty International monitors treatment of asylum seekers at US-Mexico border

On Thursday 26 April, Amnesty International raised a billboard at the San Ysidro Port of Entry (POE) on the US–Mexico border in Tijuana, with a message reminding US and Mexican authorities of their obligations to facilitate asylum claims and to respect the universal human right of all people to seek asylum in other countries. The billboard also invites asylum seekers to report to Amnesty International if authorities turn them away or otherwise violate their human right to seek asylum. Click here for images of the billboard. As hundreds of people who have traveled in caravan from Central America prepare to claim asylum…

April 26, 2018

Migrants seeking for asylum in the United States await near the US-Mexico border at El Chaparral crossing in Tijuana, Mexico on May 7, 2017. (Photo by GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Americas: US and Mexican authorities must respect caravan participants’ right to seek asylum

US and Mexican authorities must stop demonizing participants of the caravan from Central America and respect their fundamental right to seek asylum, said Amnesty International today, ahead of their expected arrival at the border between both countries later this week. “Seeking asylum is not a crime in the USA or anywhere. The efforts of US officials to tarnish asylum seekers as criminals are cynical fabrications that ring hollow,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International. “Threatening to indefinitely detain, prosecute, and deport these asylum seekers is a cruel effort to stigmatize, terrify and push away traumatized people, many of…

April 24, 2018

Sheet of paper Report

Overlooked, Under-Protected: Mexico’s Deadly Refoulement of Central Americans seeking asylum

Mexican migration authorities are routinely turning back thousands of people from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to their countries without considering the risk to their life and security upon return, in many cases violating international and domestic law by doing so, Amnesty International said in a new report.

January 23, 2018

Sheet of paper Report

No Safe Place: LGBTI Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Hondurans Seeking Asylum in Mexico

The lives and safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) from violence-ridden El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are at an increased risk as authorities in their countries fail to protect them, leaving them with no choice but to flee their countries and face further dangers in Mexico, Amnesty International said in a new report today.  

November 27, 2017