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ISTANBUL, TURKEY - OCTOBER 25: People take part in a candle light vigil to remember journalist Jamal Khashoggi outside the Saudi Arabia consulate on October 25, 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. resident and critic of the Saudi regime, went missing after entering the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on October 2. More than two weeks later Riyadh announced he had been killed accidentally during an altercation with Saudi consulate officials, however as investigations continue new information surfaced, pointing to a brutal and planned murder contradicting previous claims. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Press Release


October 2, 2019 marks one year since Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian journalist who went into self-exile in the United States, entered into a Saudi consulate in Istanbul to obtain marriage documents, never to be seen again. Questions still remain about the killing of Jamal Khashoggi and a credible, transparent investigation into the full truth about what happened to him, those responsible, how high their rank or status, or how they will be held to account has yet to materialize.  On the one-year anniversary of Khashoggi’s killing, Amnesty International is continuing calls on the U.N. to investigate the matter and…

September 20, 2019

ISTANBUL, TURKEY - OCTOBER 25: People take part in a candle light vigil to remember journalist Jamal Khashoggi outside the Saudi Arabia consulate on October 25, 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. resident and critic of the Saudi regime, went missing after entering the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on October 2. More than two weeks later Riyadh announced he had been killed accidentally during an altercation with Saudi consulate officials, however as investigations continue new information surfaced, pointing to a brutal and planned murder contradicting previous claims. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: UN findings on Jamal Khashoggi’s murder highlight need for independent criminal investigation to uncover the truth

Responding to the release of the UN report on the murder of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi, which concludes that he was the victim of “an extrajudicial killing for which the state of Saudi Arabia is responsible under human rights law,” and that “there is credible evidence, warranting further investigation of high-level Saudi officials’ individual liability, including the Crown Prince’s,” Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International’s Middle East Director of Research, said:

June 19, 2019

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Decision to spare teenager’s life must be followed by abolition of death penalty for all juveniles

Responding to the news that Murtaja Qureiris, the young man from Saudi Arabia arrested at the age of 13, will not face execution and has been sentenced to 12 years in prison instead, Amnesty International’s Middle East Research Director Lynn Maalouf said the following:

June 17, 2019

MSF supported hospital bombed by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Haydan in Sa'da. The small hospital, in the Haydan district in Saada Province, was hit by several airstrikes beginning at 22:30 last night. Hospital staff and two patients managed to escape before subsequent airstrikes occurred over a two hour period. One staff member was slightly injured while escaping. With the hospital destroyed, at least 200,000 people now have no access to lifesaving medical care.

Press Release

Congress Must Not Allow Arms Transfers to Saudi Coalition

Responding to reports that President Trump will attempt to exploit loopholes to continue sending arms to Saudi Arabia and the UAE without Congressional approval, Philippe Nassif, the advocacy director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International USA said the following.

May 24, 2019

TOPSHOT - Sherine Tadros, head of New York (UN) Office of Amnesty International, speaks during a news conference at the United Nations on October 18, 2018. - Members from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, The Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Border make an appeal regarding the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP) (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Independent UN Investigation Only Path to Accountability for Khashoggi Killing

While Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that 16 Saudis would be barred form entering the United States in response to the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Amnesty International reiterated its call for an independent investigation into his death. Philippe Nassif, the Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International USA, stated: "If the United States is serious about seeking accountability for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, then Secretary Pompeo must call for and support an independent investigation, led by the United Nations. Unfortunately, the Trump Administration’s historic willingness to look the other way in the…

April 9, 2019

ISTANBUL, TURKEY - OCTOBER 25: People take part in a candle light vigil to remember journalist Jamal Khashoggi outside the Saudi Arabia consulate on October 25, 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. resident and critic of the Saudi regime, went missing after entering the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on October 2. More than two weeks later Riyadh announced he had been killed accidentally during an altercation with Saudi consulate officials, however as investigations continue new information surfaced, pointing to a brutal and planned murder contradicting previous claims. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Six months after the brutal killing of Jamal Khashoggi, there remains ‘no real signs of justice’

Marking six months since the shocking murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Samah Hadid, Amnesty International’s Middle East Director of Campaigns, said:

April 2, 2019

Yellow and white graphic with the Amnesty international logo on the bottom left and the word

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Provisional release of three women activists a positive step, but bogus charges must be dropped

Responding to the release of three Saudi women activists, Iman al-Nafjan, Aziza al-Yousef and Ruqayyaa al-Mhareb, Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International’s Middle East Director of Research, said: “The release from jail of Iman al-Najfan, Aziza al-Yousef and Ruqayyah al-Mhareb, who will finally be able to return to their homes and loved ones after their 10-month ordeal of arbitrary detention and torture, is welcome news. “This is a long overdue step as these women should never have been jailed in the first place and their release should certainly not be on a ‘temporary’ basis. They have been locked up, separated from their loved ones,…

March 28, 2019

Sheet of paper Report

Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa: A review of 2018

The international community’s chilling complacency towards wide-scale human rights violations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has emboldened governments to commit appalling violations during 2018 by giving them the sense that they need never fear facing justice, said Amnesty International as it published a review of human rights in the region last year. The report Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa: A review of 2018 describes how authorities across the region have unashamedly persisted with ruthless campaigns of repression in order to crush dissent, cracking down on protesters, civil society and political opponents, often with tacit support…

February 26, 2019

Yellow and white graphic with the Amnesty international logo on the bottom left and the word

Press Release

Thailand: Amnesty welcomes Saudi woman’s refugee protection

Responding to news that the UN have granted refugee status to Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, an 18-year old Saudi woman, and put her forward for resettlement to Australia, Amnesty International’s Middle East Director of Campaigns Samah Hadid said: “Rahaf’s story sends an important message: people around the world rallied to support her plea for protection, and people power prevailed over those who tried to oppress her. Rahaf took incredible risks to flee her family home and break Saudi Arabia’s male guardianship rules. In just a few days, her story became an inspiration to millions worldwide. Let it remind the world of…

January 9, 2019

Press Release

Thailand: Don’t deport Saudi woman in grave danger

Responding to reports that Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, an 18-year-old Saudi woman, faces deportation from the transit zone of Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok (Thailand), Samah Hadid, Amnesty’s Middle East Director of Campaigns said:

January 7, 2019

Sheet of paper Report

Oppressive, sexist policies galvanize bold fight for women’s rights in 2018

Women activists around the world have been at the forefront of the battle for human rights in 2018, Amnesty International said today as it launched its review on the state of human rights over the past year. The human rights group also warns that the actions of “tough guy” world leaders pushing misogynistic, xenophobic and homophobic policies has placed freedoms and rights that were won long ago in fresh jeopardy. “In 2018, we witnessed many of these self-proclaimed ‘tough guy’ leaders trying to undermine the very principle of equality – the bedrock of human rights law. They think their policies…

December 9, 2018

Press Release

Reports of torture and sexual harassment of detained activists in Saudi Arabia

Several Saudi Arabian activists, including a number of women, who have been arbitrarily detained without charge since May 2018 in Saudi Arabia’s Dhahban Prison, have reportedly faced sexual harassment, torture and other forms of ill-treatment during interrogation, Amnesty International said today. According to three separate testimonies obtained by the organization, the activists were repeatedly tortured by electrocution and flogging, leaving some unable to walk or stand properly. In one reported instance, one of the activists was made to hang from the ceiling, and according to another testimony, one of the detained women was reportedly subjected to sexual harassment, by interrogators wearing…

November 20, 2018