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Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes UN Ambassador Haley’s Promises to Prioritize Human Rights

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said that human rights should be an integral part of the UN Security Council’s mission when the United States assumes the presidency of the council next month.

March 29, 2017

Press Release

Iraq: Civilians killed by airstrikes in their homes after they were told not to flee Mosul

Hundreds of civilians have been killed by airstrikes inside their homes or in places where they sought refuge after following Iraqi government advice not to leave during the offensive to recapture the city of Mosul from the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS), said Amnesty International...

March 27, 2017

Press Release

Evidence points to war crimes by Libyan National Army forces

Shocking video evidence has emerged showing fighters from the Libyan National Army (LNA) carrying out execution-style killings of captured fighters from the Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries (SCBR) in the Ganfouda area of Benghazi, said Amnesty International. The two separate incidents may amount to war crimes, adding to the long list of crimes under international law that have been committed with impunity by armed groups and militias in both Western and Eastern Libya. 

March 23, 2017

Press Release

Saudi Arms Deal Would Fan Flames of Conflict

Amnesty International this week urged President Trump not to approve impending arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The deals would arm members of a military coalition that has attacked thousands of civilians in Yemen and violated international humanitarian law. Amnesty International researchers have already found both unexploded U.S. bombs and identifiable fragments of exploded U.S. bombs among the ruins of Yemeni homes and other civilian objects.

March 14, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International Marks Sixth Anniversary of Syrian War

As war crimes and crimes against humanity continue to go unpunished in Syria, an Amnesty International campaign marking the sixth anniversary of the crisis calls on world leaders to take immediate action to deliver justice, truth and reparations to the millions of victims of the conflict.

March 14, 2017

Press Release

Egypt: Government must protect Coptic Christians targeted in string of deadly attacks in North Sinai

The Egyptian authorities must offer urgent protection to Coptic Christians in North Sinai and provide essential services and accommodation to hundreds who were forced to flee their homes, after seven people from the community were killed in a series of attacks there over the past month, said Amnesty International.

March 1, 2017

Press Release

Yemen: Huthi forces recruiting child soldiers for front-line combat

New evidence has emerged of how the Huthi armed group is actively recruiting boys as young as 15 to fight as child soldiers on the front lines of the conflict in Yemen, said Amnesty International today after speaking to the families of three boys targeted this month by the appalling practice which violates international law. The families also confirmed the recruitment of a fourth local boy.

February 27, 2017

Press Release

President Bashar al-Assad’s response to Amnesty International report on Saydnaya

President Bashar al-Assad’s interview with Yahoo News recently dismissed the findings of Amnesty International’s recent report on mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya military prison in Syria. The report found that between 5,000 and 13,000 people were secretly executed at the prison, with prisoners being rounded up in groups as large as 50, given sham “trials” that last under a minute, blindfolded, and hanged. The horrific treatment of prisoners in Syria is part of the reason so many have fled the country in the largest refugee crisis in generations.

February 10, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Reacts to Ninth Circuit Arguments Regarding Muslim Ban

“The Trump administration is claiming absolute power to assault human rights in the name of security,” said Naureen Shah, director of Amnesty International USA’s Security with Human Rights program. “This is nothing more than a cruel attempt to write anti-Muslim bigotry into law, and it should not stand.” “While the legal process plays out, Congress has the power to repeal this policy once and for all. The Senate must act immediately.”  

February 8, 2017

Press Release

Afghanistan: Attack on ICRC is a horrific crime

The killing of six employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in northern Afghanistan is a horrific crime, Amnesty International said today. “By targeting the ICRC, who devote their lives to helping people in desperate need, the perpetrators have demonstrated a horrific contempt for human life,” said Biraj Patnaik, Amnesty International’s South Asia Director. The killings in the northern Jowzjan province come a day after a suicide bomber killed more than 20 people at the entrance of Afghanistan’s Supreme Court in Kabul. Afghanistan is currently reeling from a series of attacks on civilians, including the murder of…

February 8, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

Human slaughterhouse: Mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya prison, Syria

A chilling new report by Amnesty International exposes the Syrian government’s calculated campaign of extrajudicial executions by mass hangings at Saydnaya Prison. Between 2011 and 2015, every week and often twice a week, groups of up to 50 people were taken out of their prison cells and hanged to death. In five years, as many as 13,000 people, most of them civilians believed to be opposed to the government, were hanged in secret at Saydnaya.

February 3, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

The long wait for justice: Accountability in Central African Republic

Individuals suspected of committing war crimes including killing and rape during the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) are evading investigation and arrest, and in some cases live side by side with their victims, Amnesty International said in a new report released today.

January 10, 2017