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Press Release

Ethiopia: After a year of protests, time to address grave human rights concerns

Nearly one year on from the start of a wave of protests that has left at least 800 people dead at the hands of security forces, the Ethiopian government must take concrete steps to address grave human rights concerns in the country, Amnesty International said today.

November 9, 2016

Press Release

Afghanistan: UN probe into US airstrikes on Kunduz a welcome step towards accountability

In response to today’s announcement by the United Nations that it will investigate last week’s US-led airstrikes in Kunduz province, in which more than 30 civilians were killed, Champa Patel, Amnesty International’s South Asia Director said: “The horrific events in Kunduz last week are the latest in a growing list of incidents which have resulted in Afghan civilians being killed or injured in attacks that appear to have violated international humanitarian law “We hope that this UN investigation into the circumstances surrounding the bombing represents a step towards truth and justice for the victims and their families. “If the investigation…

November 7, 2016

Press Release

Pakistan: Deportation of iconic National Geographic Afghan girl is a grave injustice

Reaction to Pakistan's decision to deport Sharbat Gula, the iconic 'Afghan girl' whose striking portrait adorned a 1985 cover of National Geographic magazine

November 4, 2016

Press Release

Iraq: Tribal militia tortured detainees in revenge attacks during Mosul offensive

Militia fighters from the Sab’awi tribe have unlawfully detained, publicly humiliated and tortured or otherwise ill-treated men and boys in villages south-east of Mosul that were recaptured from the armed group calling itself the Islamic State (IS) in recent days, said Amnesty International. The organization’s researchers on the ground in Iraq interviewed local officials and eyewitnesses including villagers who described how members of the Sab’awi Tribal Mobilization militia (Hashd al-‘Ashairi) carried out punitive revenge attacks. Residents suspected of having ties to IS were beaten with metal rods and given electric shocks. Some were tied to the bonnets of vehicles and…

November 2, 2016

Press Release

Syria: End unlawful attacks in western Aleppo city by armed opposition groups

The fierce offensive on western Aleppo city launched by armed opposition groups on October 28 has been marked by indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas that cannot be justified as a way to break the relentless siege that has sparked a humanitarian crisis in eastern Aleppo, Amnesty International said. Up to 48 people including 17 children have been killed in civilian areas of government-controlled western Aleppo since the offensive began, according to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.  “The goal of breaking the siege on eastern Aleppo does not give armed opposition groups a license to flout the rules of international…

October 31, 2016

Press Release

Iraq: Use of white phosphorus munitions puts civilians at grave risk

The use of white phosphorus around the city of Mosul could pose a deadly risk to civilians fleeing the fighting in the coming days and weeks, Amnesty International said today. The organization received credible witness and photographic evidence of white phosphorus projectiles exploding in the air over an area north of the village of Karemlesh, about 20 kilometres east of Mosul. White phosphorus is an incendiary substance which burns at extremely high temperatures upon exposure to air. “White phosphorus can cause horrific injuries, burning deep into the muscle and bone. It is possible that some of it will only partially…

October 28, 2016

Press Release

Civilians tell Amnesty of Being Caught in the Crossfire in Mosul

Military operations to retake Mosul and the surrounding areas from the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS) are endangering civilians who are being caught in the crossfire or in some cases being used as human shields by IS fighters, said Amnesty International from northern Iraq. The organization’s research team met with civilians displaced from their homes in villages north of Mosul in recent days who are now in Zelikan and Khazer camps, in areas controlled by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), and conducted phone interviews with people still trapped under IS control, gathering fresh evidence pointing to civilian deaths…

October 27, 2016

Press Release

US must come clean about civilian deaths caused by coalition air strikes in Syria

U.S.-led coalition forces carrying out air strikes in Syria must conduct thorough investigations into reports of civilian casualties from its operations and disclose their findings, said Amnesty International. Eleven coalition attacks examined by the organization appear to have killed some 300 civilians during two years of strikes targeting the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS).

October 25, 2016

Sheet of paper Report

We did not believe we would survive: Killings, rape and looting in Juba

South Sudanese government forces are responsible for deliberately killing civilians, raping women and girls and looting property in July in Juba, the country’s capital, Amnesty International said in a new report launched today.

October 24, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty releases new satellite imagery of Aleppo ahead of UN meeting

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) must step in to fill the void left by the Security Council members’ catastrophic failure to end relentless attacks targeting the civilian population in eastern Aleppo city, said Amnesty International ahead of a UNGA meeting later today.

October 19, 2016

Sheet of paper Report

Punished for Daesh’s crimes’: Displaced Iraqis abused by militias and government forces

Iraqis fleeing IS-held areas face torture, disappearance and death in revenge attacks Paramilitary militias and government forces in Iraq have committed serious human rights violations, including war crimes, by torturing, arbitrarily detaining, forcibly disappearing and extrajudicially executing thousands of civilians who have escaped areas controlled by the armed group calling itself the Islamic State (IS), said Amnesty International in a new report published today. The report ‘Punished for Daesh’s crimes’: Displaced Iraqis abused by militias and government forces exposes the terrifying backlash against civilians fleeing IS-held territory, raising alarm about the risk of mass violations as the military operation to…

October 17, 2016

Press Release

Transfer of Guantánamo Detainee Slahi Long Overdue

Mohamedou Ould Slahi, who has been held in the Guantanamo detention camp without charge or trial since 2002, has been transferred back to his home country of Mauritania. After voluntarily submitting himself for questioning in his home country in 2001, he was detained in Jordan and the Bagram prison in Afghanistan before being sent to Guantanamo. There is compelling evidence that he was subjected to torture and other ill-treatment during his detention.

October 17, 2016