
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Press Release

UK Government breaking the law supplying arms to Saudi Arabia say leading lawyers

The UK Government is breaking national, EU and international law and policy by supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia in the context of its military intervention and bombing campaign in Yemen according to an analysis by eminent international law experts commissioned by Amnesty International UK and Saferworld, both members of the Control Arms coalition.

December 17, 2015

Press Release

Northern Ireland: Time for Change as Abortion Law Declared Breach of Human Rights

Amnesty International has called for an urgent change in abortion law in Northern Ireland after a judgment by Belfast’s High Court today declared existing law in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.

December 16, 2015

Press Release

Women from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Had almost 25,000 Abortions in England and Wales over the Last Five Years

New data shows that almost 25,000 women from across Ireland, north and south, travelled to have abortions in England and Wales – an average of close to 100 terminations every week over the past five years.

December 14, 2015

Press Release

Northern Ireland: High Court Challenge on Same-Sex Marriage Welcomed

Ahead of a legal challenge in Belfast’s High Court tomorrow (Thursday), Amnesty International has reiterated its call for Northern Ireland to lift its ban on same-sex marriage.

December 2, 2015

Press Release

Northern Ireland: Amnesty Welcomes Landmark Court Decision on Abortion Law

Amnesty International has welcomed today’s Belfast High Court decision in a Judicial Review case which found that laws governing abortion in Northern Ireland in cases of serious malformation of the foetus and sexual crime are in breach of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

November 30, 2015

Press Release

UK surveillance Tribunal reveals the government spied on Amnesty International

The UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) today notified Amnesty International that UK government agencies had spied on the organization by intercepting, accessing and storing its communications.

July 1, 2015

Press Release

UK: Proposals in Queen’s Speech to Replace Human Rights Act Are “Very Worrying”

Responding to the announcement in today’s Queen’s Speech that the Government will introduce proposals to replace the Human Rights Act with a “British Bill of Rights,” Amnesty International said the move was “very worrying.”

May 27, 2015

Press Release

UK Doctor to White House: Release Our Last Detainee

London Marathon runner Dr David Nicholl is in Washington to demand President Obama delivers on his promise to close Guantánamo – including by sending home former British resident Shaker Aamer, who was tortured.

April 17, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

State of the World 2014/2015

This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. Governments pay lip service to the importance of protecting civilians. And yet the world's politicians have miserably failed to protect those in greatest need. Amnesty International believes that this can and must finally change.

February 25, 2015

Press Release

Glenn Greenwald to Address Annual Gathering of Amnesty International Activists in Chicago

Amnesty International's 2014 Human Rights Conference, themed "Bring Human Rights Home," will take place in Chicago April 4-6 and focus on strengthening the links between the local and the global aspects of the human rights movement.

March 6, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: United Kingdom 2013

UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Head of state Queen Elizabeth II Head of government David Cameron Criminal investigations were announced in two alleged rendition cases. As a result of these new criminal investigations the Detainee Inquiry was closed early. Draft legislation was published which would allow the government to rely on secret evidence across the civil justice system in national security cases. A moratorium on the transfer of detainees to Afghan authorities was maintained. Torture and other ill-treatment On 12 January, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and the Director of Public Prosecutions announced that, following an investigation,…

May 29, 2013

Press Release

Aamer Must Be Released Immediately Unless Charged and Fairly Tried

Amnesty International will present more than 50,000 petitions, addressed to President Barack Obama, to the White House and to the U.S. embassy in London on Thursday, February 14th, calling for Shaker Aamer, the last former U.K. resident held at Guantánamo Bay, to be released immediately unless he is to be charged and fairly tried in federal court.

February 11, 2013