
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

United Kingdom’s Cameron Must Raise Critical Issues with Russia’s Putin in Meeting Today

Amnesty International calls on United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron to confront Russian President Vladimir Putin about the Pussy Riot trial and action on Syria.

August 2, 2012

Press Release

Libyan rendition case shows it’s time for UK to come clean

The UK must ensure full accountability for its role in rendition, torture and unlawful detention, Amnesty International said as a Libyan man subjected to rendition in 2004 allegedly with MI6 involvement launched a civil claim for damages against UK ex-Foreign Secretary Jack Straw for torture and misfeasance in public office

April 18, 2012

Press Release

Top U.S. and U.K. Comedians Come Together to Celebrate Free Speech at Amnesty International’s Secret Policeman’s Ball in New York

Amnesty International announced today that some of the top comedic talent in the U.S. and U.K. will be joining the Secret Policeman's Ball line-up at New York City's Radio City Music Hall Sunday, March 4, 2012.

February 16, 2012

Press Release

London 2012 Organizers Must Admit Dow Mistake After Ethics Chief Quits, says Amnesty International

London 2012 Olympic organizers must admit their mistake in awarding a lucrative contract to the Dow Chemical Company, Amnesty International said today after the Games' ethics commissioner quit over human rights concerns about the company.

January 26, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes Decision by European Court to Stop Deportation of Omar Othman (Abu Qatada) but Alarmed by Diplomatic Assurances Ruling

The European Court of Human Rights' decision made public today halts the United Kingdom's planned deportation of Abu Qatada, a Jordanian national, to Jordan on grounds of national security. The Court found that if the United Kingdom deported Abu Qatada to Jordan it would violate his right to a fair trial.

January 17, 2012

Press Release

Dow Olympic Contract ‘Shocking’ in Light of Bhopal Disaster Failures, Says Amnesty International

Chemical giant Dow's high profile contract with London's 2012 Olympic Games is a slap in the face for the survivors of India's Bhopal poison gas disaster who, 27 years on, still wait for justice, Amnesty International said today.

October 24, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Campaign to silence Syrian protesters overseas revealed

Syrian protesters in Europe and the Americas have been systematically monitored and harassed by embassy officials and others believed to be acting on behalf of the Syrian regime, Amnesty International said today in a new briefing paper.The Long Reach of the Mukhabaraat includes cases of more than 30 activists in eight countries - Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, the UK and the USA – who say that they have faced intimidation from embassy officials and others and that their relatives in Syria have as a result, in some cases, apparently been exposed to harassment, detention and even torture. "Expatriate Syrians…

October 3, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on U.K. Authorities to Deliver Justice Over Baha Mousa Abuse Case

Amnesty International has called on the U.K. authorities to bring to justice all those responsible for the death Baha Mousa, after an inquiry into the death of the Iraqi hotel receptionist found that U.K. soldiers violently assaulted him while in custody in Basra in 2003.

September 8, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty Condemns Vedanta Resources and Affiliates for Attempting to Overturn Mining Bans

(Washington, D.C.) -- Ongoing attempts by U.K. based mining company Vedanta Resources to overturn an Indian government decision blocking a proposed bauxite mine and expansion of an aluminum refinery in Orissa should not be allowed to succeed, says a new report by Amnesty International. The report, Generalizations, Omissions, Assumptions, reveals that Vedanta Resources has failed to adequately consider the human impact of its proposed projects, which have a US investment of $ 1.7 billion in Orissa. "Vedanta's mine and refinery expansion projects must not be allowed to go ahead. The company is trying to overturn the Indian Environment Ministry's decision…

July 25, 2011

Press Release

Tamils Set for U.K. Deportation Following Suicide Attempt, Says Amnesty International

Contact: AIUSA media relations, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) – Amnesty International is calling on the United Kingdom authorities not to deport Sri Lankans at risk of torture, ahead of a planned deportation from Gatwick Airport in London to Colombo this afternoon. At least twenty Sri Lankans, mostly Tamil, face forcible return on the flight. "Nobody should be deported from the United Kingdom if they are at risk of torture," said Yolanda Foster, Sri Lanka researcher at Amnesty International. "The end of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka in May 2009 has not diminished the risks faced by failed Sri Lankan asylum…

June 16, 2011

Press Release

United Kingdom: Torture inquiry must be independent and thorough

Amnesty International calls on the United Kingdom government to ensure that its inquiry into U.K. complicity in torture and...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

United Kingdom: Torture inquiry must be independent and thorough

Amnesty International calls on the United Kingdom government to ensure that its inquiry into U.K. complicity in torture and...

March 27, 2011